Portfolio Website

GitHub || Live Demo

  • Developed an engaging 3D portfolio website
  • Utilized Three.js for 3D graphics and animations
  • Styled efficiently using Tailwind CSS
  • Animated the site with Framer Motion
  • Technologies Used: Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Three.js, Framer Motion

This project showcases a captivating 3D portfolio website created by Arti Manputra. The website utilizes modern web technologies, including Three.js for impressive 3D graphics and animations. The efficient styling is achieved using Tailwind CSS, providing a visually appealing and responsive design. To bring the site to life, Framer Motion animations were incorporated, enhancing the overall user experience. This project reflects Arti's proficiency in front-end development and her ability to create visually stunning and interactive web experiences. You can explore the live demo here.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/artimanputra/artiportfolio.git

Go to the project directory

  cd artiportfolio

Install dependencies

  npm install