
Robotics 5th semester project. LLM planner for Bimanual object manipulation using ChatGPT, YoloV8 and the Robotiq 3F adaptive gripper.

MIT LicenseMIT


Robotics 5th semester project. LLM planner for Bimanual object manipulation using ChatGPT, YoloV8, two KUKA iiwa 7s, an Intel RealSense D435 camera and the Robotiq 3F adaptive gripper.

Required libraries/software


pip install open3d
pip install ultralytics
pip install pymodbus
pip install openai
pip install langchain
pip install kinpy

Quick Start

Install ROS2 Humble, colcon, rosdep and vcstool. Build this repository

mkdir -p LLM-Bimanual-Planner/src && cd LLM-Bimanual-Planner
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andreasHovaldt/LLM-Planner-for-Bimanual-object-manipulation/main/repos.yaml -P src
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andreasHovaldt/LLM-Planner-for-Bimanual-object-manipulation/main/config -P src
vcs import src < src/repos.yaml
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build --symlink-install

Next, download 'terminator' and change the config file (found in ~/.config/terminator/config) to the one found in this repository.

sudo apt install terminator
mkdir -p ~/.config/terminator/ && mv src/config ~/.config/terminator/

Now, while running the LBRServer program on the KUKAs, start the programs with the following command:

terminator -l LLM-Planner

OBS: It is important that the two KUKA IIWA 7s are configured with different ports. Follow the robot setup guide from LBR-stack.