
Turns your data storage into an RPM repository

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This Java library turns your binary storage (files, S3 objects, anything) into an RPM repository. You may add it to your binary storage and it will become a fully-functionable RPM repository, which yum and dnf will perfectly understand.

Similar solutions:

Some valuable references:

If you have any question or suggestions, do not hesitate to create an issue or contact us in Telegram.
Artipie roadmap.

How to use

This is the dependency you need:


Use one of the existing com.artipie.asto.Storage implementations to create the Storage. Artipie/asto supports FileStorage, S3 and other storages. Or you can implement com.artipie.asto.Storage by yourself.

Then, you make an instance of Rpm class with your storage as an argument. Finally, you put your artifacts to the storage specifying repository key (rpm-repo in our example) and instruct Rpm to update the meta info:

import com.artipie.rpm.Rpm;
final Storage storage = new FileStorage(Paths.get("my-artipie"));
final String name = "rpm-repo";
    new Key.From(name, "pkg.rpm"), 
    new Content.From(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("pkg.rpm")))
final Rpm rpm = new Rpm(storage);
rpm.batchUpdate(new Key.From(name));

Read the Javadoc for more technical details.

Naming policy and checksum computation algorithm

RPM may use different names to store metadata files in the package, by default we use StandardNamingPolicy.PLAIN. To change naming policy use secondary constructor of Rpm to configure it. For instance to add SHA1 prefixes for metadata files use StandardNamingPolicy.SHA1.

RPM may use different algorithms to calculate rpm packages checksum for metadata. By default, we use sha-256 algorithms for hashing. To change checksum calculation algorithm use secondary constructor of Rpm and Digest enum to specify the algorithm:

Rpm rpm = new Rpm(storage, StandardNamingPolicy.SHA1, Digest.SHA256);

Include filelists.xml metadata

RPM repository may include filelists.xml metadata, this metadata is not required by all rpm package managers. By default, we do not generate this metadata file but this behaviour can be configured with the help of Rpm secondary constructor.

How it works?

First, you upload your .rpm artifact to the repository. Then, you call batchUpdate() and these four system XML files are updated in the repodata directory: repomd.xml, primary.xml.gz, filelists.xml.gz, and others.xml.gz.

Examples of these files you can find in this repo.


Build the Cli tool using mvn clean package -Pcli. You can run it as following

java -jar target/rpm-adapter.jar ./repo-dir/

Options are:

  • naming-policy - (optional, default simple) configures NamingPolicy for Rpm
  • digest - (optional, default sha256) configures Digest instance for Rpm
  • filelists - (optional, default true) includes File Lists for Rpm
  • update - (optional, default empty, no update) allows to set schedule to update repository in cron format. This option allows performing repository update periodically, according to schedule.

How to contribute

Fork repository, make changes, send us a pull request. We will review your changes and apply them to the master branch shortly, provided they don't violate our quality standards. To avoid frustration, before sending us your pull request please run full Maven build:

$ mvn clean install -Pqulice

To avoid build errors use Maven 3.2+ and please read contributing rules.