
Project focusing on load testing for COSI 105B: Architecture at Scale at Brandeis University.

Primary LanguageRuby

Nano-Twitter Status?branch=master

Project focusing on scalability and load testing for COSI 105B: Software Engineering at Scale at Brandeis University.

See it on Heroku. (edit: Since this project was completed, Heroku upgraded their Postgres servers and some incompatibility occurred with our project. We have not resolved it at this time and our application is currently down on Heroku.)

Gems used in project:

Route descriptions

Get Routes

get '/'

  • Makes sure the login cookie is valid (if present)
  • Shows the current homepage, depending on whether or not the user is logged in or not.
  • Gets the 100 most recent tweets, from all users if not logged in, or from the users followees if they are logged in.

get '/logout'

  • Redirects to /nanotwitter/v1.0/logout if user is logged in.
  • Loads the root page with 100 most recent tweets of all users.

get '/nanotwitter/v1.0/logout'

  • Deletes the session cookie, then redirects to /logout

get '/nanotwitter/v1.0/users/:username'

  • Gets a user and their tweets by their :username
  • Loads a user's home page, displaying their most recent 100 tweets
  • Returns 404 if no user is found

get '/nanotwitter/v1.0/users/id/:id'

  • Get's a user's username from their id and redirects to /nanotwitter/v1.0/users/:username

get '/nanotwitter/v1.0/users/:username/profile'

  • Gets the followees of the logged in user
  • Loads the logged in user's profile page with a list of their followees

Post Routes

post '/nanotwitter/v1.0/users'

  • Creates a new user and logs them in
  • Uses the Sinatra Formkeeper gem to validate registration forms
  • If registration fails to validate, redirects to / and displays an error alert

post '/nanotwitter/v1.0/users/search'

  • Searches database for users with names or usernames corresponding to params[:search] search terms
  • Also uses the Sinatra Formkeeper gem
  • Loads a search results page with the results

post '/nanotwitter/v1.0/users/id/:id/tweet'

  • Creates a new tweet and caches it in Redis
  • Redirects back to the request URL

post '/nanotwitter/v1.0/users/session'

  • Verifies a user's username and password. Stores user's ID in a session cookie.
  • Redirects to /

post ‘/nanotwitter/v1.0/users/:username/follow'

  • Logged in user begins to follow user :username
  • Redirects back to the request URL

post ‘/nanotwitter/v1.0/users/:username/unfollow'

  • Logged in user unfollows user :username
  • Redirects back to the request URL

Test_User Routes for Load Testing

get '/test_tweet'

  • Has user test_user tweet a random string using the Faker gem
  • Renders the tweet into html and caches it in Redis
  • Does not redirect anywhere

get '/test_follow'

  • Has user test_user follow or unfollow a random user from the first 1,000 users in our database

get '/test_user'

  • Gets the user object for test_user and the tweets of itself and its followees
  • Loads a user page with those tweets

get '/reset'

  • Deletes all of test_user's follow relationships and tweets to reset database between load tests
  • Deletes the Redis cache and redirects to /