
Laravel backend for the language learning web game based on Guess Who

Primary LanguagePHP

Guess N Learn

This game is based on Guess Who, but for language learning.

This is the backend code. For the frontend see https://github.com/artisanphil/vue-guess-n-learn

There are 3 quiz modes:

  • multiple choice (random from all questions)
  • fill in the blank
  • jumbled sentence


Laravel API


Vue JS with Typescript


Deploy with Docker


docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app composer install

Copy env.example to .env

Start Docker and run docker-compose up -d then go to http://localhost:8000/


Set the language the user wants to learn, for example en_uk [GET] api/learn-language/{locale}

Return all available objects and if they are still available (active true/false) [GET] api/objects

User selects an object: [POST] api/select?selection={objectname} Computer randomly selects an object

Computer makes a guess: [GET] api/computer-guess

User answers if computer guess is correct: [POST] api/computer-guess?choice={attribute}&correct=1 Computer returns message if correct or not, returns all objects that match

Display all available attributes (not yet selected) for user: [GET] api/remaining-attributes

User makes a guess: [POST] api/user-guess?choice={attribute} one can add attribute questiontype for testing purposes

Sentence options get presented based on attribute choice [GET] api/user-guess

User posts sentence [POST] api/user-guess?choice={attribute}&sentence={sentence} All matching objects get returned

Back to computer makes a guess until only one object left for either user or computer.