
This program allows two players to play the Connect Four connection board game against each other. Where the board is represented as 2D dynamic array, player1 is represented as "X" and player2 is represented as "Y".

Primary LanguageC++


This program allows 2 players to play a Connect Four connection board game. Where the board is represented as 2D dynamic array, player1 is represented as "X" pieces and player2 is represented as "Y" pieces. Those pieces are inserted into a board and the first player to get 4 adjacent pieces (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) wins. Finally, you can compile the program with 2 line arguments indicating the size of the board. Namely, first line argument stands for the number of rows, and second for number of columns. Neither the number of rows nor the number of columns can be over 20! Example command to start a two-player game with 7 rows and 6 columns: ./connect_four 7 6