
A simple telemetry probe for gathering usage information about Puppet infrastructures.

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple telemetry probe for gathering non-identifiable information about Puppet infrastructures.


We both know that you hate telemetry as much as I do. So what makes this different? At its core, the purpose and design of this module is for your own benefit as much as it is for ours. Think back to the time you last visited the Forge to find a module. Chances are that you discovered many modules that claimed to solve your problem and it was relatively difficult choosing between them. Surfacing usage data in a way that lets you signal approval simply by using a module is the primary goal of this project.

This means that the best way for you to help yourself find new modules is to opt in and use this telemetry tool to share your module usage data.


So what sort of information is gathered? Dropsonde identifies information like which public modules and classes are used, and what platforms they're used on. It identifies the component classes that your profile modules declares so we can better support what you are doing with your profiles, but without exposing your profile names. The key point here is that it looks for usage patterns for public modules only and explicitly does its best to keep your internal code private to you.

You can see exactly what will be phoned home by running the command:

$ dropsonde preview

Note: as of Puppetserver 7.5.0, Dropsonde is bundled in as a standard puppetserver command. You should run it as puppetserver dropsonde (or /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver dropsonde if your $PATH isn't configured.)

Dropsonde is a simple telemetry probe designed to run both as a command-line tool and optionally as a regularly scheduled task. Metrics are defined by plugins that gather data, but also export a schema that constrains the data allowed to be reported on. Dropsonde will reject metrics that don't meet these constraints. The backend database is also defined by this schema so the system cannot gather any data that's not described in the schema.

See the full schema of all enabled plugins by running the command:

$ dropsonde dev schema

All information in the report is keyed off a non-reversible SHA512 hashed site-id to make it unidentifiable; this report cannot be linked back to you or to your infrastructure. Now that said, we know that the more bits of data shared about a specific site, the easier it is to fingerprint that site. See Panopticlick for a real-world example.

To mitigate this concern, we aggregate data in a two step process. The data submitted by Dropsonde is stored in a private dataset. ACLs limit access to only certain number of employees. Then each week, a job runs to generate a sanitized and aggregated form of the data for the week which goes into the public dataset that all our tooling actually depends on and uses. This dataset includes patterns and aggregate data, but does not include any individual records whatsoever.

For example, this aggregated data might include records that show a count of how many sites are using various combinations of modules together, but it will never include a record showing the full list of modules that any single site is using.

Data aggregation workflow

With your own Google Cloud account, you can use that dataset in your own tooling and you can see/contribute to the aggregation queries in its own repository.


Dropsonde will not collect the names or titles of internal modules, classes, facts, types, etc. It will gather the names of the component classes that your profiles use, but it will not gather the names of your profiles themselves. In order to maintain data integrity, reports are keyed off a non-reversible site-id. This means that there's no direct link from a record to you or your infrastructure, but it does mean that the data could be used for fingerprinting. To mitigate that, the data goes through an additional aggregation step that removes this ID and presents only usage patterns publicly.

If you identify an unmitigated privacy concern then please inform us as soon as possible: privacy@puppet.com


As of Puppetserver 7.5.0, Dropsonde is bundled in as a standard puppetserver command. If you're running an older version, you can install it yourself with gem install dropsonde or let the Puppet module manage it for you.


Any command line arguments can also be specified in /etc/puppetlabs/telemetry.yaml. For example the config file below will disable Forge module cache updating and will not report the :puppetfiles metrics.

:update: false
  - puppetfiles

The puppetlabs-dropsonde Puppet module manages this configuration for you.

Scheduled Reporting

Dropsonde is intended to run on a regular schedule to submit usage reports back to Puppet. The puppetlabs-dropsonde Puppet module will manage this for you, or you can follow the instructions below to configure a schedule manually.

If you're running Puppetserver 7.5.0 or above, it's already set up so you can simply opt in. Add or update the following stanza of /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf:

dropsonde: {
    enabled: true

If you're running an older version of Puppetserver, then create a cron job that runs dropsonde submit once a week.


Run dropsonde --help to see usage information.

  • preview
    • Generate and print out an example telemetry report in human readable form
    • Annotated with descriptions of each plugin and each metric gathered.
  • list
    • See a quick list of the available metrics and what they do.
  • submit
    • Generate and submit a telemetry report. This will be exactly the same as the human readable form, just in JSON format.
  • update
    • Once a week, the list of public modules on the Forge will be updated. This command will manually force that cache update to happen.

Developer comands

  • dev example
    • To make writing aggregation queries possible without access to the private database, this will generate a randomized example of the dataset. This is in JSONL format, so it can be imported directly into BigQuery.
  • dev schema
    • Generate and print out the complete combined schema of all metrics.
  • dev shell
    • Open up a Pry shell with all the relevant connections open and initialized.


Dropsonde is a simple telemetry probe designed to run as a scheduled task. It will gather metrics defined by self-contained plugins that each defines its own partial schema and then gathers the data to meet that schema.

Metrics plugins live in the lib/dropsonde/metrics directory. See the existing examples for the API. All data returned must match the schema the plugin defines and each column in the schema must be documented.

Dropsonde maintains a cache listing all the public modules existing on the Forge. This is used for identifying public modules and ensuring that information about your internal modules is not leaked outside your network. Once a week, this cache of modules is updated.


The output format of individual metrics is not yet formally defined. If you write tooling to use it, then make your tooling resilient to changes.

