NanoAOD ntupler for Phase-2 L1 Objects
Tested under latest CMSSW_13_3 pre-release: CMSSW_13_3_0_pre4
cmsrel CMSSW_13_3_0_pre4
cd CMSSW_13_3_0_pre4/src
git cms-checkout-topic -u p2l1-gtEmulator:phase2-l1t-integration-13_3_0_pre3 #latest P2GT PR:
git cms-rebase-topic -u artlbv:CMSSW_13_3_X_FixP2GT_HW_access # getting fix for P2GT HW access/conversion to int
## eventually remove the tkJet sequence from the L1Sim step:
git clone PhysicsTools/L1Nano
scram b -j 8
In the test
directory there is a cmsRun
config to rerun the L1 trigger + the P2GT emulator and produce the nano ntuple from these outputs.
Usage: cmsRun
One can append the L1Nano output to the cmsDriver
command via this customisation:
-s USER:PhysicsTools/L1Nano/l1tPh2Nano_cff.l1tPh2NanoTask --customise PhysicsTools/L1Nano/l1tPh2Nano_cff.addFullPh2L1Nano
Example command (w/o P2GT yet, pending cms-sw/cmssw#43210 ): reL1Nano --conditions 125X_mcRun4_realistic_v2 -n 2 --era Phase2C17I13M9 --eventcontent NANOAOD -s RAW2DIGI,L1,NANO --datatier GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD --fileout file:test.root --customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/aging.customise_aging_1000,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring,L1Trigger/Configuration/customisePhase2.addHcalTriggerPrimitives,L1Trigger/Configuration/customisePhase2FEVTDEBUGHLT.customisePhase2FEVTDEBUGHLT --geometry Extended2026D88 --nThreads 1 --filein file:/eos/cms/store/mc/Phase2Spring23DIGIRECOMiniAOD/VBFHToInvisible_M-125_TuneCP5_14TeV-powheg-pythia8/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-MINIAOD/PU200_Trk1GeV_131X_mcRun4_realistic_v5-v1/2520000/0294bad4-867c-43c9-850f-4beaef783e39.root --mc --inputCommands='keep *, drop l1tPFJets_*_*_*' --outputCommands='keep *P2GT*_*_*_*, drop l1tPFJets_*_*_*' --python_filename --no_exec -s USER:PhysicsTools/L1Nano/l1tPh2Nano_cff.l1tPh2NanoTask --customise PhysicsTools/L1Nano/l1tPh2Nano_cff.addFullPh2L1Nano
The output file is a nanoAOD file with the output branches in the Events
This can be easily handled with uproot/awkward
like this:
f ="l1nano.root")
events = f["Events"].arrays()
The GT emulator decisions are stored like this for now:
'nL1GT', -> number of algorithms, the names are not stored, but are alphabetically sorted
'L1GT_final', -> final decision
'L1GT_initial', -> initial decision (no difference at the moment)