
Home of the tools to produce samples for HGCAL reconstruction tools

Primary LanguagePython


Home of the tools to produce samples for HGCAL reconstruction studies

hello world

Setup a CMSSW_8_1_0_pre15 (slc6_amd64_gcc530) according to https://github.com/CMS-HGCAL/cmssw

Then anywhere,

git clone git@github.com:CMS-HGCAL/reco-prodtools.git
cd reco-prodtools
python SubmitHGCalPGun.py --nevts 2 --evtsperjob 1 --queue 1nh --partID 13 --thresholdMin 35 --thresholdMin 35 --gunType E --tag test_${USER}


To produce NEVENTS GEN-SIM-DIGI events with NPART particles (per event) of type PART_PDGID and in the p_T range from PTMIN to PTMAX, one should run:

  python SubmitHGCalPGun.py
  --datTier GSD
  --nevts NEVENTS
  --evtsperjob NPERJOB
  --queue QUEUENAME
  --nPart NPART
  --thresholdMin PTMIN
  --thresholdMin PTMAX
  --gunType GUNTYPE
  --tag MYTAG

The script will create a directory called partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE] locally or on the CMG EOS area (see options), and submit jobs to queue QUEUENAME with NPERJOB events per job, NEVENTS in total. The batch stdout/stderr files and .cfg files used to run are stored locally in partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE], while the resulting files partGun_*_GSD_{i}.root are stored in partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE] either locally or in /eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/.

Rule of thumb for GEN-SIM-DIGI: 4 events per 1nh:

  • 20 events should be possible to finish in queue 8nh.
  • Ditto, 100 events in 1nd.

RECO step

To run RECO stage on the produced GEN-SIM-DIGI samples, stored under partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE] (locally or on the CMG EOS area), one should run:

python SubmitHGCalPGun.py \
  --datTier RECO \
  --evtsperjob NPERJOB \
  --queue QUEUENAME \
  --inDir partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE] \
  [--local] \
  --tag MYTAG

The script will get the list of GEN-SIM-DIGI files from the directory partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]/GSD (locally or on the CMG EOS area), and submit jobs to queue QUEUENAME (if possbile with NPERJOB events per job). The batch stdout/stderr files and .cfg files are stored locally in partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE], while the resulting files partGun_*_RECO_{i}.root are stored in partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE]/RECO either locally or in /eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/hgcal/CMG_studies/Production/.

Rule of thumb for RECO: 10 events per 1nh:

  • 50 events should be possible to finish in queue 8nh.
  • Ditto, 1000 events in 1nd.

For more info on available options type python SubmitHGCalPGun.py --help

NTUP step

This needs the ntupliser to be installed as in https://github.com/CMS-HGCAL/reco-ntuples

To run NTUP stage on the produced RECO samples, stored under partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE] (locally or on the CMG EOS area), one should run:

python SubmitHGCalPGun.py \
  --datTier NTUP \
  --evtsperjob NPERJOB \
  --queue QUEUENAME \
  --inDir partGun_[MYTAG]_[DATE] \
  [--local] \
  --tag MYTAG

to contribute

We use the fork and pull model:

Fork this repository.

If you haven't done so yet, clone this repository:

git clone git@github.com:CMS-HGCAL/reco-prodtools.git

Add your fork of the repository as remote:

git remote add mine git@github.com:`git config user.github`/reco-prodtools.git
git checkout -b ${USER}_feature_branch origin/master

Work on your feature, add, commit, etc.

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
git push mine feature_branch

Make a pull request on github.