
Repository containing the Python scripts related to my Physics degree end-of-degree project at the University of Alicante. This end-of-degree project is supervised by Joaquín Fernández Rossier.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT

This repository contains the Python scripts necessary to create some of the figures of my Physics degree end-of-degree project at the University of Alicante, which is supervised by Joaquín Fernández Rossier and is titled "Physical Systems For Quantum Computing". The base program was originally made by Joaquín for a class about quantum tunneling, quantum scattering and bounded states in a course on Quantum Mechanics. I edited and extended the program for adapting it to the transmon qubit and the Cooper pair box qubit.

In addition to this, the TikZ diagrams created in LaTeX for the superconducting qubits section of the end-of-degree project can be found at the tikz folder of this repository. In this folder, the tex source code, svg and pdf files of the diagrams can be found.

The main document of the end-of-degree project can be found at the RUA of the University of Alicante using the following link:


The document is licensed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license.


To obtain the energy eigenstates of the qubits, the transmon_and_cpb.py script solves the Schrödinger equation using the following Hamiltonian:

$$ \hat{H} = 4E_C (\hat{n}-n_g)^2 - E_J \cos\hat{\phi}. $$

For further reference on this Hamiltonian you can check this section of the Qiskit textbook.

For creating the figures, the transmon_and_cpb.py script is used by the main_transmon_and_cpb.py script as a module. The latter script is used for defining parameters and calling the functions from transmon_and_cpb.py.

Image gallery

The created figures are the following ones:

Python plots

TikZ Diagrams