TTP FullStack Assessment
[x]-user is able to create new account with name, email, and password
[x]-default user balance to $5000
[x]-authenticate via email and password
[x]-buy shares of stock at its current price by ticker symbol and number of shares
@todo [ ]-if stock exist, then update instead of add
[x]-number of shares only as whole numbers
[x]-only available to buy with enough money in account and ticker symbol is valid
[x]-list all transactions made to date
[x]-view list of all stocks with current value
[x]-font color change depending on stock prices
installation command: npm i express express-validator bcryptjs config jsonwebtoken mongoose request
-express, framework for backend
-express-validator for data validation
-bcryptjs for password encryption
-config for global variables
-jsonwebtoken for jwt to pass token for validation
-mongoose for interacting with database
-request for making http requests to api
//Dev dependencies
installation command: npm i -D nodemon concurrently
-nodemon for constant server watching
-concurrently for backend and frontend dev server simoutaneously