Portable Game Notation (PGN) syntax file for Vim Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Arto Jonsson <artoj@iki.fi> ABOUT Portable Game Notation or PGN is a standard way to record chess games. The 'pgn.vim' file provides syntax coloring for PGN files in Vim. The syntax file is based on Charles Ford's work: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=677 I rewrote most of the syntax parsing making it more strict and adding new features such as support for comments and special characters in string values. PGN specification: http://www.very-best.de/pgn-spec.htm INSTALLATION Put the 'syntax/pgn.vim' file to your $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/ directory. Then you can use: :set syntax=pgn To use the syntax in the current buffer. To set the syntax automatically for certain file types, such as '.pgn' in this case, put the 'ftdetect/pgn.vim' in $VIMRUNTIME/ftdetect/ directory. See ':help ftdetect' for more information. Alternatively you can use bundle manager such as Vundle or Pathogen.