
a blog site of mine,version 4.0

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a blog site of mine,version 4.0(中文

blog site: stanby.cn


  • it will use koa (ver ^2.0.0) as server side
  • it will use mySQL as database
  • it will use react as browser side
  • it will use bootstrap for ui structure
  • it will use postcss to customize style
  • about bundle tool
    • using gulp and webpack
    • using gulp to bundle stylesheet file(s)
    • using webpack to bundle javascript file(s)
    • while file changed,choose Incremental Build,avoid Full Build
  • about front-end resources
    • all front-end static resources have been migrated into OSS


  • node version must be at least 7.6.0
  • scripts cmd in pkg.json is available for linux/os x,if you want to run under window,it's supposed to modify
    • change NODE_ENV=development to $env:NODE_ENV="development" may work
    • if still not work,try to ask for help on Stack Overflow


  • when you need to develop,you need to start TWO terminal
    • one for start web,and watch files change
      • npm run dev
    • one for start webpack,and watch files change
      • cd ./web/src
      • npm run pack-development
  • Info
    • before you run scripts above,you must have install all dependencies,for web project and webpack
    • I use my personal gmail to auto-send email for activate user account,this config info has been added into .gitignore in order to protect privacy.You can add config info to config/email-config.js for secondary development(refer to config/email-config-tpl.js for config content)
    • I use my personal Alibaba Cloud for upload service ,this config info has been added into .gitignore in order to protect privacy.You can add config info to config/oss-config.js for secondary development(refer to config/oss-config-tpl.js for config content)

Tech Stack

  • Bundle Solution: gulp + webpack

    1. take advantage of gulp and webpack

      • gulp is good at automated build,focus on task
      • webpack is good at module solution,focus on bundle
      • gulp.watch (gulp) is safer than Copy Webpack Plugin (webpack) on handling static asserts (fonts/images/...)
      • gulp is more efficient than webpack on handling CSS preprocessor
      • webpack needs loaders/plugins to resolve static asserts in stylesheet
    2. the plugin in webpack to bundle css costs too much time

      • this problem appears while using css-loaderstyle-loadersass-loaderless-loaderpostcss-loader with extract-text-webpack-plugin
  • Incremental Build

    • use chokidar (based on fs.watch) to watch file(s) changed
      1. not use nodemon -> inefficient
      2. not use webpack-hot-middleare -> process blocked while using with gulp.watch
      3. not use gulp.watch -> throw error while remove folder
      4. using chokidar
        • avoid problems above
        • for incremental build


  • oss-pusher
    • used for deploying FE application into OSS