
A chat made with bottle and websockets

Primary LanguageSmarty

A chat made with python, bottle and websockets

This is a very simple chat without any security measures (code injection among others can be performed). You just pick a username in the entrance page and next you can communicate in a public chat with all the users that are logged in.

This chat was made after using bottle and websockets in a university's project. I decided to make it because there aren't many chat examples with this technologies together.


  1. In terminal, go to the folder where "chat" folder is but don't enter inside "chat" folder;
  2. Type sudo pip install -e chat.

Using the chat (in the server side)

  1. In terminal, go to chat/chatOn/
  2. Type chatOn_server

Using the chat (@ client side)

  1. Open your browser and type in the address bar: localhost:8080