
This repo serves to build all the needed LightGBM artifacts to create a Java library, including a copy of OpenMP's .so, from a "replica" of LightGBM's CI build environment that does not require Microsoft credentials.


  • bash & sed
  • docker
  • git

How to use

To generate the build/ folder with all necessary artifacts just run:

bash [lightgbm_version] [package_version] # where lightgbm_version is any of (commit_id, tag, branch)

If no lightgbm_version is specified, master is checked out.

If no package_version is specified:

  • If lightgbm_version is a release (vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), package_version=MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Otherwise, package_version=0.0.0.

Finally, in the output pom.xml, the package version is the one specified in package_version, except if it is 0.0.0. In that case the build version becomes package_version-lightgbm_version.

Building from another LightGBM repository

By defining the environment variable LIGHTGBM_REPO_URL which by default points to LightGBM, to another http(s) git LightGBM repo URL, you can build your own custom version of LightGBM. This can be useful to try building our own patched/custom versions of LightGBM. Ensure you use the http(s) protocol instead of git.

Output artifacts

This is the output:

├── __commit_id__
├── lightgbmlib.jar
├── pom.xml
├── __timestamp__
└── __version__

Files with "__" are just single-line files containing meta-data for traceability so you don't lose track of build conditions.

You can now copy this folder into your project and either run bash or use maven's install plugin.

Extra for developers: Building local patches (Debugging for developers)

This explains how to build local patches from source for LightGBM. This allows quicker iterations during LightGBM C++ development/debugging.

For instance, to perform debugging, one must build LightGBM using the compiler toolchain available on the target machine running the debugger, otherwise there will be symbol compatibility issues.

Patching is done in a two-stage process:

  1. Run at least once the base to have the base build.
  2. Patch the base build by calling as explained below.


Setup the LightGBM source for compilation

First, clone the LightGBM repo/fork to your computer and run CMake with the desired flags:

cd my_lgbm_repo
mkdir build
cd build

Create the patch

After the CMake setup is complete, simply run against that folder:

bash my_lgbm_repo_build_folder

This will compile LightGBM from source with your settings and patch the current base LightGBM build in the provider.

Run every time you want to build a new patch.