🧐 Help Me Read This!

An app that captures the photo from the camera and reads the text out loud

You, or your loved ones with vision impairment will be able to:

  • 💊 Scan and read the fine print on medical prescriptions
  • 📋 Read the legal documents
  • 🚀 Enjoy a little bit of freedom, self-sufficiency and dignity

The full description, video and demo is available here:


This is a Single Page Web Application:

  • Uses .webmanifest to be installable to home screen and behave as an app
  • Uses file input to capture image from camera
  • Uploads the image to Google Cloud Vision API which does OCR recognition
  • Uses Speech API to read the content out loud
  • IF Google API token is used, only Google backend is used, ensuring total independence from my backend
  • If you don't want to set up a token, you can subscribe to use my backend.
  • Everything is hosted by github pages. Everything in master is directly available to users.


This is a hackish project. Please do contribute :D. The actual logic of the app is in ./app.html and ./app.js