
WikiData to SCs parser

Primary LanguageJava


WikiData to SCs parser

How to use

To start program you can enter this command into terminal:

gradle run

Or you can just open IntellijIDEA and click on the grin arrow in org.artrayme.ui.swing.MainWindow class

After that, enter some names of your entities and enter the languages for which you want to get identifiers. Sometimes it is better to enter more than 1 language.


Example of generated knowledge base:

KB example

In development

  1. Translation. All logic for translation already implemented, but only with Free Google Translator. And this translator ban your ip if there is a lot of requests. To solve this issue, user must provide token for Google cloud translator. Or another option -- implement client for LibreTranslate.


Any questions? Create an issue!

If you want to add something to the project, simply create a pull request)