
Primary LanguageTypeScript



Front part of the WINK project.



WINK-front is a React component that represents a window with SCs code editor and the ability to upload the code in sc-machine and window with a tree of files. Since Wink-front is a React component you can use it in other web-oriented programs. It provides you with the following list of functionality:

  • Works in WINK-back engine mode and in offline one as a simple editor.
  • Converts SCg (supports the old and the new formats) to SCs.
  • SCs syntax backlighting.
  • Сonverts SCs to SC-json code for sending knowledge fragments to WINK-back.
  • Displays semantic environment of loaded SC-json in editor window in SCg format.  

Launch Instruction:

  1. Install all packets with help of npm install command:
  2. Launch the server using npm run start.
  3. In different console window launch electron using npm run electron command.