A set of additional checks to use with checkstyle.
Verify the JavaDoc at methods with configurable minimal amount of lines. Additionally, you could use a regular expression feature for class names, allowing you to ignore classes that don't match your specified pattern. Furthermore, this check is only applied to git changes made in your branch (Git should be installed).
<module name="MissingJavaDocMethodUrpCheck">
<property name="ignoreClassNamesRegex" value="WebClientConfig"/>
<property name="accessModifiers" value="public,protected,package,private"/>
<property name="fileExtensions" value="java"/>
<property name="minLineCount" value="1"/>
parameter name | type | default value | description |
ignoreClassNamesRegex | int | 12 | TODO |
minLineCount | int | 7 | TODO |
accessModifiers | int | 7 | TODO |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
"-//Checkstyle//DTD Checkstyle Configuration 1.3//EN"
<module name="Checker">
<module name="TreeWalker">
<module name="FieldsCountCheck"/>
<module name="MethodEmptyLines"/>
<module name="MethodParameterAlignment"/>
<module name="MethodParameterLines"/>
<module name="MethodCallParameterAlignment"/>
<module name="MethodCallParameterLines">
<property name="ignoreMethods" value="Map.of"/>
To use check from this library with maven-checkstyle-plugin
you have to add the library as a maven dependency to the plugin.
The checkstyle is a powerful library that has many users, but I need some combo of existing rules.