
Easily share data between Browserify modules meant to run on the server and client.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Easily share data between Browserify modules meant to run on the server and client.


The following example shares a Backbone Model between the server and browser. However, this could be applied to any module shared server/client.

Inject some constant data on the server and mount sharify

var sharify = require('sharify');
sharify.data = {
  API_URL: 'http://artsy.net/api/v1',
  NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV

Use in a module that can run on the server or client

var Backbone = require('backbone'),
    API_URL = require('sharify').data.API_URL;

var Artwork = module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({
  urlRoot: API_URL + '/artwork/'

Inject sharify script in the view

    //- Adds `sharify.data` and a convenient `sd` short hand to locals
    if sharify.data.NODE_ENV == 'development'
      //- Make sure this is above your other scripts
      != sharify.script()
      script( src='/bundle.js' )

NOTE: Sharify will safely expose the sharify.data and sd globals to the client-side for the convenience of sharing templates server/client.

Use the shared module server/client

// server.js
var Artwork = require('../models/artwork');

app.get('/artwork/:id', function(req, res) {
  new Artwork({ id: req.params.id }).fetch(//...);
// client.js
var Artwork = require('../models/artwork'),
    View = require('view.js');

new View({ model: new Artwork() });

Bootstrapping Request-level Data to the Client

You can use sharify to bootstrap dynamic data as well.

Inject data into the sharify.data local

var Artwork = require('../models/artwork');

app.get('artwork/:id', function(req, res, next) {
  new Artwork({ id: req.params.id }).fetch({
    success: function(artwork) {
      res.locals.sharify.data.ARTWORK_JSON = artwork.toJSON();

Require the data on the client

var Artwork = require('../models/artwork'),
    ARTWORK_JSON = require('sharify').data.ARTWORK_JSON,
    View = require('view.js');

new View({ model: new Artwork(ARTWORK_JSON) });


Please fork the project and submit a pull request with tests. Install node modules npm install and run tests with make test.
