
Different agents and different keys for different projects, with ssh.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Help on module ssh-ident:

    ssh-ident - Wrapper around ssh to prepare ssh-agent and load identities.


    This script starts ssh-agents and loads keys when they are first needed. All
    you have to do is modify your .bashrc to have:
      alias ssh='/path/to/ssh-ident'
    or add a link to ssh-ident from a directory in your path, for example:
      ln -s /path/to/ssh-ident ~/bin/ssh
    Main features of ssh-ident:
    - loads ssh-agents and keys on demand.
    - can prepare a different agent and different set of keys depending on the host
      you are connecting to, or the directory you are using ssh from. This provides
      isolation when using agent forwarding and allows to use multiple accounts on
      sites like github, unfuddle and gitorious easily.
    - automatically shares the same agent across multiple login sessions.
    - works if your home directory is on NFS and prevents multiple agents for the
      same account (and identity) from running.
    - allows to specify options for the loaded keys. For example, you can provide a
      -t 60 to keep keys loaded only for 60 seconds.  Or -c, to always ask for
      confirmation before using a key.
    Example of use
    In .bashrc, I have:
      alias ssh=/home/ccontavalli/scripts/ssh-ident
    all I have to do now is logout, login and then:
      $ ssh somewhere
    ssh-ident will be called instead of ssh, and it will:
    - check if an agent is running. If not, it will start one.
    - try to load all the keys in ~/.ssh, if not loaded.
    If I now ssh again, or somewhere else, ssh-ident will reuse the same agent and
    the same keys, if valid.
    To have multiple identities, all I have to do is:
    1) create a ~/.ssh-ident file. In this file, I need to tell ssh-ident which
       identities to use and when. The file should look something like:
      # Specifies which identity to use depending on the path I'm running ssh from.
      # For example: ("mod-xslt", "personal") means that for any path that
      # contains the word "mod-xslt", the "personal" identity should be used.
      MATCH_PATH = [
        # (directory pattern, identity)
        (r"mod-xslt", "personal"),
        (r"ssh-ident", "personal"),
        (r"opt/work", "work"),
        (r"opt/private", "secret"),
      # If any of the ssh arguments have 'cweb' in it, the 'personal' identity has
      # to be used. For example: "ssh myhost.cweb.com" will have cweb in argv, and
      # the "personal" identity will be used.
      MATCH_ARGV = [
        (r"cweb", "personal"),
        (r"corp", "work"),
      # Note that if no match is found, the DEFAULT_IDENTITY is used. This is
      # generally your loginname, no need to change it.
      # DEFAULT_IDENTITY = "foo"
      # This is entirely optional.
        # Regardless, ask for confirmation before using any of the
        # work keys.
        "work": "-c",
        # Forget about secret keys after ten minutes. ssh-ident will
        # automatically ask you your passphrase again if they are needed.
        "secret": "-t 600",
    2) Create the directory where all the identities and agents
       will be kept:
        $ mkdir -p ~/.ssh/identities; chmod u=rwX,go= -R ~/.ssh
    3) Create identities, for example:
        $ mkdir -p ~/.ssh/identities/personal
        $ mkdir -p ~/.ssh/identities/work
        $ mkdir -p ~/.ssh/identities/secret
    4) Generate (or copy) keys for those identities:
        # Default keys are for my personal account
        $ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa* ~/.ssh/identities/personal
        # Generate keys to be used for work only, rsa
        $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/identities/work/id_rsa
    Now if I run:
      $ ssh corp.mywemployer.com
    ssh-ident will be invoked instead, and:
      1) check ssh argv, determine that the "work" identity has to be used.
      2) look in ~/.ssh/agents, for a "work" agent loaded. If there is no agent, it
         will prepare one.
      3) look in ~/.ssh/identities/work/* for a list of keys to load for this
         identity. It will try to load any key that is not already loaded in the
      4) finally run ssh with the environment setup such that it will have access
         only to the agent for the identity work, and the corresponding keys.
    Note that ssh-ident needs to access both your private and public keys. Note
    also that it identifies public keys by the .pub extension. All files in your
    identities subdirectories will be considered keys.
    If you want to only load keys that have "key" in the name, you can add in your
          PATTERN_KEYS = "key"
    The default is:
          "PATTERN_KEYS": r"/(id_.*|identity.*|ssh[0-9]-.*)"
    You can also redefine:
          DIR_IDENTITIES = "$HOME/.ssh/identities"
          DIR_AGENTS = "$HOME/.ssh/agents"
    To point somewhere else if you so desire.

    class AgentManager(__builtin__.object)
     |  Manages the ssh-agent for one identity.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  FindUnloadedKeys(self, keys)
     |      Determines which keys have not been loaded yet.
     |      Args:
     |        keys: dict as returned by FindKeys.
     |      Returns:
     |        iterable of strings, paths to private key files to load.
     |  GetLoadedKeys(self)
     |      Returns an iterable of strings, each the fingerprint of a loaded key.
     |  LoadKeyFiles(self, keys)
     |      Load all specified keys.
     |      Args:
     |        keys: iterable of strings, each string a path to a key to load.
     |  LoadUnloadedKeys(self, keys)
     |      Loads all the keys specified that are not loaded.
     |      Args:
     |        keys: dict as returned by FindKeys.
     |  RunSSH(self, argv)
     |      Execs ssh with the specified arguments.
     |  __init__(self, identity, config)
     |      Initializes an AgentManager object.
     |      Args:
     |        identity: string, identity the ssh-agent managed by this instance of
     |            an AgentManager will control.
     |        config: object implementing the Config interface, allows access to
     |            the user configuration parameters.
     |      Attributes:
     |        identity: same as above.
     |        config: same as above.
     |        agents_path: directory where the config of all agents is kept.
     |        agent_file: the config of the agent corresponding to this identity.
     |      Parameters:
     |        DIR_AGENTS: used to compute agents_path.
     |        BINARY_SSH: path to the ssh binary.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Static methods defined here:
     |  EscapeShellArguments(argv)
     |      Escapes all arguments to the shell, returns a string.
     |  GetAgentFile(path, identity)
     |      Returns the path to an agent config file.
     |      Args:
     |        path: string, the path where agent config files are kept.
     |        identity: string, identity for which to load the agent.
     |      Returns:
     |        string, path to the agent file.
     |  GetPublicKeyFingerprint(key)
     |      Returns the fingerprint of a public key as a string.
     |  IsAgentFileValid(agentfile)
     |      Returns true if the specified agentfile refers to a running agent.
     |  RunShellCommand(command)
     |      Runs a shell command, returns (status, stdout), (int, string).
     |  RunShellCommandInAgent(agentfile, command)
     |      Runs a shell command with an agent configured in the environment.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
    class Config(__builtin__.object)
     |  Holds and loads users configurations.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  Get(self, parameter)
     |      Returns the value of a parameter, or causes the script to exit.
     |  Load(self)
     |      Load configurations from the default user file.
     |  __init__(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Static methods defined here:
     |  Expand(value)
     |      Expand environment variables or ~ in string parameters.
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  defaults = {'BINARY_SSH': '/usr/bin/ssh', 'DEFAULT_IDENTITY': '$USER',...

    FindIdentity(argv, config)
        Returns the identity to use based on current directory or argv.
          argv: iterable of string, argv passed to this program.
          config: instance of an object implementing the same interface as
              the Config class.
          string, the name of the identity to use.
    FindIdentityInList(elements, identities)
        Matches a list of identities to a list of elements.
          elements: iterable of strings, arbitrary strings to match on.
          identities: iterable of (string, string), with first string
            being a regular expression, the second string being an identity.
          The identity specified in identities for the first regular expression
          matching the first element in elements.
    FindKeys(identity, config)
        Finds all the private and public keys associated with an identity.
          identity: string, name of the identity to load strings of.
          config: object implementing the Config interface, providing configurations
              for the user.
          dict, {"key name": {"pub": "/path/to/public/key", "priv":
          "/path/to/private/key"}}, for each key found, the path of the public
          key and private key. The key name is just a string representing the
          key. Note that for a given key, it is not guaranteed that both the
          public and private key will be found.
          The return value is affected by DIR_IDENTITIES and PATTERN_KEYS
          configuration parameters.