
Simple Django app that provides a Wysihtml5 rich text editor textarea widget.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


downloads TravisCI

Tested under:

  • Python 3.2 and django 1.6: builds
  • Python 3.2 and django 1.5.5: builds
  • Python 2.7 and django 1.5.5: builds
  • Python 2.7 and django 1.4.10: builds

By Daniel Rus Morales <http://danir.us/>

Simple Django app that provides a Wysihtml5 widget. Wysihtml5 is a reach-text editor.

Includes a demo project and a test suite. If you commit code, please consider adding proper coverage (especially if it has a chance for a regression) in the test suite.

Run the tests with: python setup.py test

Quick start

  1. Add wysihtml5 to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings module.
  2. Create a model with a field of type Wysihtml5TextField.
  3. Create an admin class for that model by inheriting from both wysihtml5.admin.AdminWysihtml5TextFieldMixin and Django's admin.ModelAdmin.
  4. Hit your app's admin URL and see the wysihtml5 editor in action.

Demo site

The demo site (example/demo/) shows the widget in action. Follow the instructions to run the demo and go to the Admin UI to see how the widget looks like. For the public side the demo uses bootstrap-wysihtml5.

  1. Cd into the demo directory: cd django-wysihtml5/example/demo
  2. Run syncdb with --no-input: python manage.py syncdb --noinput (user: admin, pwd: admin)
  3. Run collectstatic: python manage.py collectstatic
  4. Run the dev web server: python manage.py runserver
  5. Hit the demo URL: http://localhost:8000 to see the example article fully formatted with Wysihtml5.
  6. Hit the demo admin URL: http://localhost:8000/admin/ to see the widget in action.
  7. Visit the root URL to see a list of articles and add new ones: http://localhost:8000/


Three settings allow you to customize the editor:

  • WYSIHTML5_EDITOR -> editor's parameters customization
  • WYSIHTML5_TOOLBAR -> editor's commands and toolbar customization
  • WYSIHTML5_ALLOWED_TAGS -> what HTML tags are allowed


Customize the Wysihtml5 Editor parameters, as in here, by defining WYSIHTML5_EDITOR in your settings file. WYSIHTML5_EDITOR is a dictionary that defaults to:

    # Give the editor a name, the name will also be set as class
    # name on the iframe and on the iframe's body
    'name': 'null',
    # Whether the editor should look like the textarea (by adopting styles)
    'style': 'true',
    # Id of the toolbar element, pass falsey value if you don't want
    # any toolbar logic
    'toolbar': 'null',
    # Whether urls, entered by the user should automatically become
    # clickable-links
    'autoLink': 'true',
    # Object which includes parser rules (set this to
    # examples/rules/spec.json or your own spec, otherwise only span
    # tags are allowed!)
    'parserRules': 'wysihtml5ParserRules',
    # Parser method to use when the user inserts content via copy & paste
    'parser': 'wysihtml5.dom.parse || Prototype.K',
    # Class name which should be set on the contentEditable element in
    # the created sandbox iframe, can be styled via the 'stylesheets' option
    'composerClassName': '"wysihtml5-editor"',
    # Class name to add to the body when the wysihtml5 editor is supported
    'bodyClassName': '"wysihtml5-supported"',
    # By default wysihtml5 will insert <br> for line breaks, set this to
    # false to use <p>
    'useLineBreaks': 'true',
    # Array (or single string) of stylesheet urls to be loaded in the
    # editor's iframe
    'stylesheets': '["%s"]' % (settings.STATIC_URL +
    # Placeholder text to use, defaults to the placeholder attribute
    # on the textarea element
    'placeholderText': 'null',
    # Whether the composer should allow the user to manually resize
    # images, tables etc.
    'allowObjectResizing': 'true',
    # Whether the rich text editor should be rendered on touch devices
    # (wysihtml5 >= 0.3.0 comes with basic support for iOS 5)
    'supportTouchDevices': 'true'


You can customize Wysihtml5 commands configuration by defining WYSIHTML5_TOOLBAR in your settings file. WYSIHTML5_TOOLBAR is a dictionary that defaults to:

    "formatBlockHeader": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "formatBlock",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_formatBlockHeader_icon"
    "formatBlockParagraph": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "formatBlock",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_formatBlockParagraph_icon"
    "bold": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "bold",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_bold_icon"
    "italic": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "italic",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_italic_icon"
    "underline": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "underline",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_underline_icon"
    "justifyLeft": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "justifyLeft",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_justifyLeft_icon"
    "justifyCenter": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "justifyCenter",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_justifyCenter_icon"
    "justifyRight": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "justifyRight",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_justifyRight_icon"
    "insertOrderedList": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "insertOrderedList",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_insertOrderedList_icon"
    "insertUnorderedList": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "insertUnorderedList",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_insertUnorderedList_icon"
    "insertImage": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "insertImage",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_insertImage_icon",
        "render_dialog": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_insertImage_dialog"
    "createLink": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "createLink",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_createLink_icon",
        "render_dialog": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_createLink_dialog"
    "insertHTML": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "insertHTML",
        "command_value": "<blockquote>quote</blockquote>",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_insertHTML_icon"
    "foreColor": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "foreColor",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_foreColor_icon"
    "changeView": {
        "active": True,
        "command_name": "change_view",
        "render_icon": "wysihtml5.widgets.render_changeView_icon"

Two of the commands allow dialog customization too:

Customize commands by declaring them in the WYSIHTML5_TOOLBAR dictionary. You can:

  • Disable commands by setting "active": False.
  • Redefine a command name to provide your own Wysihtml5 command implementation. Change the setting "command_name": "yourNewCommand", and write your function command in JavaScript. See link to an example below.
  • Render your own command icons by writing a render_icon function.
  • Render your own widget dialogs for createLink and insertImage.

Only declare your customized commands and attributes, django-wysihtml5 will use the default settings for the rest.


Filter what HTML tags are allowed in the Django field by using this setting. Be careful about what tags you do allow as it is a potential source of malicious code. Only listed tags are allowed. By default only the following tags are allowed:

h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div p b i u ul ol li span img a blockquote

Have questions?

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