
Arduino EspNow managed flooding mesh network with mqtt

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Arduino EspNow managed flooding mesh network with mqtt


  • Mesh usb adapter codes (for esp32/esp2866).
  • Mesh gateway codes (Convert messages between mesh network and MQTT broker)
  • Slave node example codes (Slave node can read sensors, control switches/lights or something else)
  • Works on EspNow broadcast
  • Nearly instant connection after poweron
  • Maximum number of slave nodes: unlimited
  • Flooding mesh support
  • a message cache. If a received packet is already found in the cache --> it will not be retransmitted or handled again
  • Mesh nodes use MQTT service (subscribe/publish)
  • Master node (USBAdapter=ESP32 or ESP2866) is connected to RaspberryPi's USB port
  • Each Nodes can communicate with each other
  • ESP32, ESP2866, ESP01
  • Ping about 40-60ms
  • ttl support
  • Battery node support
  • AES128
  • Retransmission support
  • Request/Reply support
  • Send and pray support (Send a message to all nodes without reply/ack)
  • Easy to configure (just set channel, secure keys and bsid)
  • Simple mqqt interface. All nodes can use mqtt services via master node (subsribe,unsubscribe,publish,get).
  • MQTT local cache on raspberry
  • Arduino
(                                    )
|                                    |
(            Internet                )
|                                    |
| RaspberryPi        V       |
|-------------+   +--+-------|
| MeshGateway |<->| MQTT     |     +-------------------------------------+
|             |   | broker   |     |    ESPNOW mesh network              |
+-----+-------+---+----------+     |                             Node6   |
      ^                            |     Node1        Node3              |
      |    USB(SerialData)         |  +------------+   Node3     Node5   |
      +------------------------------>| USBAdapter |           Node4     |
                                   |  | (Master)   |  NodeX    Node7     |
                                   |  +------------+                     |

Flooding mesh network

In this network example ttl must be >= 5

                   |         Message from master to BatteryNode
                   |   ---------------------------+
                   | ttl=5               ttl=4    |
SlaveNode-------MasterNode-------------SlaveNode  |
                    |                     |        |
                   |                     |        |
                   |                     |        |
                   |                     |        |
               SlaveNode                 |        |
                   |                     |        |
                   |                     |        |
                   |                     |        +------------------------------------------------>
                   |                     | ttl=3         ttl=2              ttl=1
   |               |                     |
   |               |                     |
   |               |                     |
   |               |                     |
Message relay

The Master sends a request to the farthest node and the farthest node replies. alt text

Arduino libraries:
Slave Node examples
Early demo video
Mesh usb adapter
Mesh slave node codes
MeshGateway software for RaspberryPi (conversation between mesh and mqtt broker)
  1. Install Arduino and following dependencies:
  1. Install esp8266 dev module. Use git version.
  1. Check Espressif FW version!!!. It should be nonos-sdk 2.2.1+100(testing). alt text
  2. Add "https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_dev_index.json" into the Additional Board Manager URLs field. alt text
  3. Install esp32 dev module 1.0.3-rc1 from Arduino's Boards Manager. alt text
  4. Flash Usb adapter software (EspNowUsb/EspNowUsb.ino) on esp32/esp2866 (esp32 is the best choice.). (You don't need to change any parameters)
  1. Install mqtt broker, nodejs and npm on RaspberryPi
      curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -
      sudo apt-get install mosquitto nodejs npm
  1. Get gateway and install npm modules
      git clone git@github.com:arttupii/EspNowFloodingMesh.git
      cd EspNowFloodingMesh
      cd gateway
      npm install
  1. Modify gateway/config.js file:
  • set secredKey parameter (16 bytes)
  • set initializationVector parameter (16 bytes).
  • set bsid
  1. Start gateway software on RaspberryPi. .
      a@labra:~/git/EspNowUsb/gateway/node index.js
      begin /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
      Subscribe topic device1/led/value from cache
      Subscribe topic device1/led/set from cache
      Role MASTER, ttl=3
      MAC GET
      InitializationVector [178,75,242,247,122,197,236,12,94,31,77,193,174,70,94,117]
      key [0,17,34,51,68,85,102,119,136,153,170,187,204,221,238,255]
      Channel 1;
      RTC 1563876153

  1. Open slave node code (arduinoSlaveNode/main/main.ino) and modify deviceName, secredKey, iv and ESP_NOW_CHANNEL paramaters.
Slave node code example

Slave node updates the button's state to topic device1/switch/led/value. The led state can be controlled with topic device1/switch/led/set on/off.

#include <EspNowFloodingMesh.h>

/********NODE SETUP********/
const char deviceName[] = "device1";
unsigned char secredKey[16] = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF};
unsigned char iv[16] = {0xb2, 0x4b, 0xf2, 0xf7, 0x7a, 0xc5, 0xec, 0x0c, 0x5e, 0x1f, 0x4d, 0xc1, 0xae, 0x46, 0x5e, 0x75};
const int ttl = 3;
const int bsid = 0x112233;

#define LED 1
#define BUTTON_PIN 2

SimpleMQTT simpleMqtt = SimpleMQTT(ttl, deviceName);

bool setLed;
bool ledValue;

void setup() {

  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

  espNowFloodingMesh_setToMasterRole(false, ttl);
  espNowFloodingMesh_begin(ESP_NOW_CHANNEL, bsid);

  espNowFloodingMesh_ErrorDebugCB([](int level, const char *str) {
    Serial.print(level); Serial.println(str); //If you want print some debug prints

  if (!espNowFloodingMesh_syncWithMasterAndWait()) {
    //Sync failed??? No connection to master????
    Serial.println("No connection to master!!! Reboot");

  //Handle MQTT events from master. Do not call publish() inside of call back. --> Endless event loop and crash
  simpleMqtt.handleEvents([](const char *topic, const char* value) {
    simpleMqtt._ifSwitch(VALUE, "led", [](MQTT_switch value){ //<--> Listening topic switch/led/value/value
      if(value==SWITCH_ON) {
        ledValue = true;
      if(value==SWITCH_OFF) {
        ledValue = false;
    simpleMqtt._ifSwitch(SET, "led", [](MQTT_switch set){ //<-->Listening topic device1/switch/led/set
      if(set==SWITCH_ON) {
        setLed = true;
      if(set==SWITCH_OFF) {
        setLed = false;

  if (!simpleMqtt._switch(SUBSCRIBE, "led")) { //Subscribe topic device1/switch/led/set and get topic device1/switch/led/value from cache
    Serial.println("MQTT operation failed. No connection to gateway");

bool buttonStatechange = false;

void loop() {

  int p = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);

  if (p == HIGH && buttonStatechange == false) {
    buttonStatechange = true;
    setLed = true;
  if (p == LOW && buttonStatechange == true) {
    buttonStatechange = false;
    setLed = false;

  if (ledValue == true && setLed == false) {
    ledValue = false;
    if (!simpleMqtt._switch(PUBLISH, "led", SWITCH_OFF)) { //publish topic device1/switch/led/value off
      Serial.println("Publish failed... Reboot");

  if (ledValue == false && setLed == true) {
    ledValue = true;
    if (!simpleMqtt._switch(PUBLISH, "led", SWITCH_ON)) { //publish topic device1/switch/led/value on
      Serial.println("Publish failed... Reboot");


Config file for MeshGateway on RasperryPi

module.exports = {
  "usbPort": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
  "mesh": {
    "secredKey": [0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF],
    "ttl": 3,
    "channel": 1
  "mqtt": {
    "host": "mqtt://localhost",
    "root": "mesh/"

Recommended topics for switches, sensors and so on (just because of compatibility)

[nodename]/[type]/[sensorOrSwitchName]/[value or set] value

device1/switch/lamp1/value on
device1/switch/lamp1/value off       <--Current lamp state (only node should change this!)
device1/switch/lamp1/set on          <--Request set lamp on from outside
device1/switch/lamp1/set off         <--Request set lamp off from outside
device1/switch/alarm/value off       <--Current lamp state (only node should change this!)
device1/switch/alarm/value on       <--Current lamp state (only node should change this!)
device1/switch/alarm/set on          <--Request set lamp on from outside

device1/temp/outside/value 24.8   <--Celsius
device1/humidity/bedroom/value 55        <--percentage

device1/temp/thermostat1/set 21.2  <--Set thermostat

device1/trigger/pirSensor1/value "triggered" <--Trigger to outside. For example pulse from pir-sensor.

device1/contact/switch1/value open
device1/contact/switch1/value closed

device1/dimmer/myDimmer1/value 0     <--min value==off
device1/dimmer/myDimmer1/value 255   <--max value==on
device1/dimmer/myDimmer1/set 0     <--min value==off
device1/dimmer/myDimmer1/set 255   <--max value==on

device1/string/message/value HelloWorld!      <--(only node should change this!)
device1/string/screen/set HelloWorld!      <--(short string message from outside)

device1/number/thing/value min,max,step      <--(number message to outside)
device1/number/thing/set min,max,step      <--(number message from outside)

device1/float/thing1/value 343.23      <--(number message to outside)
device1/float/thing1/set 123.32      <--(number message from outside)

device1/int/thing1/value 123      <--(int message to outside)
device1/int/thing1/set 456      <--(int message from outside)

device1/shutter/myrollershutter/set open
device1/shutter/myrollershutter/set close
device1/shutter/myrollershutter/set stop
device1/shutter/myrollershutter/value open
device1/shutter/myrollershutter/value close
device1/shutter/myrollershutter/value stop

device1/counter/gasMeter/value 23412343252      <--(gasMeter value to outside)
device1/counter/gasMeter/value 23412343252      <--(gasMeter value to outside)

device1/bin/data1/value dGVzdA==      <--(Binary data base64)
device1/bin/data/set dGVzdA==      <--(Binary data base64)