ElasticSearch 5.6.16 for Oscari museum system (or any dockerised CollectiveAccess installation). Finnish CollectiveAccess container setup for Oscari can be found here: https://github.com/artturimatias/CollectiveAccess
based on: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-docker
This creates an ElasticSearch container that:
- has security disabled (xpack.security.enabled: false)
- uses Docker network called "oscari-net"
- can be found for other containers in THAT network by hostname "http://elasticsearch"
- uses volume called "esdata1"
Although this is meant for Oscari museum system, it can be used for any CollectiveAccess that runs in Docker container. Just make sure that they are on same network and your search.conf has these lines:
# Set to 2 version version 2.x, 5 for version 5.x
elasticsearch_version = 5
# Enter the elastic search base url here (without any index names)
search_elasticsearch_base_url = http://elasticsearch:9200/
# This is the name of the ElasticSearch index used by CollectiveAccess.
search_elasticsearch_index_name = collectiveaccess
Then just build and run:
make build
make start
You may have to set this on your host machine:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144