
Easily imports your Gmail messages into Google Keep. Can also be used to transfer your Apple Notes, which are stored as emails labelled 'Notes', into Google Keep.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LP Gmail-Keep Importer

Easily imports your Gmail messages into Google Keep. Can also be used to transfer your Apple Notes, which are stored as emails labelled 'Notes', into Google Keep.


  • This is a highly experimental Chrome extension.
  • Since Google Keep does not provide any open API I am using directly the website of the service. Therefore, in order for you to use the extension you have to be logged in to your account and be on the Google Keep website. - https://keep.google.com/#home
  • Caution - The extension might become unusable at any time in case Google updates the website of Google Keep since the structure of the page (class names) is used throughout the extension. I will try to update it whenever I notice something broke.

How to use

Full instruction is here: https://developer.chrome.com/apps/tut_oauth

Long-story short:

  1. First clone/download this plugin from this repo
  2. Now visit the https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard website
  3. Package the extension directory into a .zip file and upload it to the Chrome Developer Dashboard without publishing it (save as draft)
  4. Enter your extension public key in manifest.json ("key" field)
  5. Now visit the https://developer.chrome.com/apps/tut\_oauth\#oauth_client and read about get API key and OAuth 2.0 Client ID
  6. Enter Client ID in manifest.json and enter API key in 'chrome-logic-gmail.js' twice
  7. On chrome://extensions page load this extension (before this turn on "Developer Mode")
  8. Click Import GMail Label and then if some email messages are ready to be imported click Start importing.
  9. Done ;)

Todos - Future work

  • Add titles in Google Keep (email subject or 1st line of the message). Done since v0.10
  • Use the labels of the email as tags in Google Keep.
  • Most importantly - Find a way to make it robust against Google's changes on the website.

Feedback / Suggestions

Please provide some feedback with the errors you get or suggestions you have.

Debug the extension

  • Visit chrome://extensions
  • Enable the Developer Mode
  • Open the Console from Chrome's developer tools
    • Right click the extension's icon
    • Click Inspect Popup
    • Open the Console tab in order to see any error message or logging message
  • Follow the How to use procedure again