
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

SEC Project - HDS Coin System


Maven is required
Download or clone this repository.
Open a terminal on the project root directory and then type:
$ mvn install


The following link points to the 2nd Stage of the project

2nd Stage README

The following information is dedicated to the 1st Stage of the project

Server Side

At this stage the system will have to tolerate f number of faults and to accomplish that a N number of replicas will initiated. The replicas will follow a Fail-Arbitrary Algorithm: Authenticated-Data Byzantine Quorum to ensure the synchronization between them and provide a reliable service when the number of faults are under f. To bootstrap the replicas simply call the bootstrap.bat batch file under the root server directory.
1st arg Specifies the number of failures to tolerate, the default value is 1, which will bootstrap a total of 4 replicas
2nd arg Pass the character 'c' to remove the database and the keystore. To use it it's required to pass the 1st arg.

...\server>bootstrap.bat Tolerate a maximum of 1 failure or
...\server>bootstrap.bat 3 Tolerate a maximum of 3 failures

How to generate a key pair

Open a terminal on the root directory of the server project and then invoke the following java file GenerateKeyPair.
At this stage this process is executed automatically at the boostrap level.
-n Specifies the name of the server
-pw Specifies the password that will protect the keypair on the key store
mvn exec:java@GenerateKeyPair -Dexec.args="-n Server_1 -pw abc"

How to start the web server

Open a terminal on the root directory of the server project and then invoke the file Main Args:
1st arg Specifies the name of the server
2nd arg Specifies the port of the web server
3rd arg Specifies the number of servers available
4th arg Specifies the password to fetch the server private key from the key store
mvn exec:java@WebServer -Dexec.args="Server_1 4570 4 abc"

Client Side

  1. The client also requires a pair of keys (public and private key) which is based on the Elliptic-curve cryptography.
  2. Register his public key on the server
  3. Use any of the other client side programs that uses the interfaces the server has made available to the public.
How to generate a key pair

Open a terminal on the root directory of the client project and then invoke the following java file GenerateKeyPair.
-n Specifies the name of the client
-pw Specifies the password that will protect the keypair on the key store
mvn exec:java@GenerateKeyPair -Dexec.args="-n Client_1 -pw abc"

How to register a client

Open a terminal on the root directory of the client project and then invoke the following java file Register.
n Specifies the name of the client
a Specifies the amount to initialize the account
ns Specifies the number of servers available
pw Specifies the password to fetch the user private key from the key store
mvn exec:java@Register -Dexec.args="-n Client_1 -a 10 -ns 4 -pw abc"

How to check an account

pen a terminal on the root directory of the client project and then invoke the following java file CheckAccount.
n Specifies the name of the client
ns Specifies the number of servers available
mvn exec:java@CheckAccount -Dexec.args="-n Client_1 -ns 4"

How to audit an account

Open a terminal on the root directory of the client project and then invoke the following java file Audit.
n Specifies the name of the client
ns Specifies the number of servers available
mvn exec:java@Audit -Dexec.args="-n Client_1 -ns 4"

How to send money

Open a terminal on the root directory of the client project and then invoke the following java file SendAmount.
-sn specifies the name of the client sending the amount
-tn specifies the name of the client who will receive the amount
-a specifies the amount to send
ns Specifies the number of servers available
pw Specifies the password to fetch the client, sending the amount, private key from the key store
mvn exec:java@SendAmount -Dexec.args="-sn Client_1 -tn Client_2 -a 1000 -ns 4 -pw abc"

How to accept a pending transaction

First, use CheckAccount to obtain the list of pending transactions. Copy the signature of the transaction you want to accept and use ReceiveAmount.
n Specifies the name of the client that is receiving the amount
ts Specifies the signature of the transaction to the receive the amount
ns Specifies the number of servers available
pw Specifies the password to fetch the user private key from the key store
mvn exec:java@ReceiveAmount -Dexec.args="-n Client_2 -ts MEYCIQDEe4XFwURKGMjC0ge7eVIT5B2/Rgp/R77m9t17sIVPugIhAIZCXzIO0GikCYAjYPjiuEUPs7K7xDn/3A4us+6UUqID -ns 4 -pw abc"


How to run tests on the server

Open a terminal on the root directory of any project and then type:
mvn clean test -DskipTests=false


A small report documenting the solution and its security features at a high level, as well as sequence diagrams for each of the five main operations supported by the server and client, can be found in the docs folder.



Licensed under MIT. See LICENSE for more information.