A lightweight Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF dynamic tile server.
Titiler, pronounced tee-tiler (ti is the diminutive version of the french petit which means small), is lightweight service, which sole goal is to create map tiles dynamically from Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF COG.
This project is the descendant of https://github.com/developmentseed/cogeo-tiler
- Multiple TileMatrixSets via morecantile. Default is set to WebMercatorQuad which is the usual Web Mercator projection used in most of Wep Map libraries.)
- Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF support
- SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog support (Optional)
- OGC WMTS support
- Caching layer for tiles (Optional)
- AWS Lambda / ECS deployement options
$ git clone https://github.com/developmentseed/titiler.git
$ cd titiler && pip install -e .["server"]
$ uvicorn titiler.main:app --reload
Or with Docker
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
pip install -e .["stac"]
Documentation can be found in /docs
To be able to deploy on either ECS or Lambda you first need to install more dependencies:
$ git clone https://github.com/developmentseed/titiler.git
$ cd titiler && pip install -e .["�deploy"]
The stack is deployed by the aws cdk utility. It will handle tasks such as generating a docker image set up an application load balancer and the ECS services.
- Instal cdk and set up CDK in your AWS account - Only need once per account
$ npm install cdk -g
$ cdk bootstrap # Deploys the CDK toolkit stack into an AWS environment
# in specific region
$ cdk bootstrap aws://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}/eu-central-1
- Pre-Generate CFN template
$ cdk synth # Synthesizes and prints the CloudFormation template for this stack
- Edit stack/config.py
PROJECT_NAME = os.environ.get("PROJECT", "titiler")
STAGE = os.environ.get("STAGE", "dev")
# // Service config
# Min/Max Number of ECS images
# CPU value | Memory value
# 256 (.25 vCPU) | 0.5 GB, 1 GB, 2 GB
# 512 (.5 vCPU) | 1 GB, 2 GB, 3 GB, 4 GB
# 1024 (1 vCPU) | 2 GB, 3 GB, 4 GB, 5 GB, 6 GB, 7 GB, 8 GB
# 2048 (2 vCPU) | Between 4 GB and 16 GB in 1-GB increments
# 4096 (4 vCPU) | Between 8 GB and 30 GB in 1-GB increments
TASK_CPU = 1024
- Deploy
$ cdk deploy titiler-ecs-dev # Deploys the stack(s) titiler-ecs-dev in stack/app.py
Titiler is built on top of FastAPI which is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs. It doesn't work natively with AWS Lambda and API Gateway because it needs a way to handler event
and context
instead of raw HTML requests. This is possible by wrapping the FastAPI app with the awesome mangum module.
from mangum import Mangum
from titiler.main import app
handler = Mangum(app, enable_lifespan=False)
The Lambda stack is also deployed by the aws cdk utility. It will create the package.zip
and handle the creation of the lambda function and the API Gateway HTTP endpoint.
- Instal cdk and set up CDK in your AWS account - Only need once per account
$ npm install cdk -g
$ cdk bootstrap # Deploys the CDK toolkit stack into an AWS environment
# in specific region
$ cdk bootstrap aws://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}/eu-central-1
- Pre-Generate CFN template
$ cdk synth # Synthesizes and prints the CloudFormation template for this stack
- Edit stack/config.py
PROJECT_NAME = "titiler"
PROJECT_NAME = os.environ.get("PROJECT", "titiler")
TIMEOUT: int = 10
MEMORY: int = 512
- Deploy
$ cdk deploy titiler-lambda-dev # Deploys the stack(s) titiler-lambda-dev in stack/app.py
# in specific region
$ AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1 AWS_REGION=eu-central-1 cdk deploy titiler-lambda-dev
titiler/ - titiler python module.
├── api/ - general api directory.
│ ├── api_ - directory hosting version 1 of the API.
│ │ ├── endpoints - api routes.
│ │ │ ├── metadata.py - metadata endpoints (e.g. /tilesjson.json, /metadata...).
│ │ │ ├── ogc.py - OGC endpoints (e.g WMTS).
│ │ │ ├── operations.py - clip/points endpoints.
│ │ │ ├── tiles.py - tiling related endpoints.
│ │ └── api.py - construct the API by merging api_v1 endpoints.
│ ├── deps.py - API dependencies.
│ └── utils.py - API utility functions.
├── core/ - application configuration.
├── custom/ - Custom colormap and TMS grids.
├── db/ - db related stuff.
├── models/ - pydantic models for this application.
├── ressources/ - application ressources (enums, constants, ...).
├── templates/ - html/xml models.
├── main.py - FastAPI application creation and configuration.
├── utils.py - utility functions.
├── app.py - AWS Stack definition (vpc, cluster, ecs, alb ...)
├── config.py - Optional parameters for the stack definition [EDIT THIS]
├── ecs/
│ └── Dockerfile - Dockerfile to build the ECS service image.
├── lambda/
│ └── Dockerfile - Dockerfile to build the Lambda service image.
│ └── handler.py - Mangum adaptator fro AWS Lambda.
docs/ - Project documentations.
Issues and pull requests are more than welcome.
dev install
$ git clone https://github.com/developmentseed/titiler.git
$ cd titiler
$ pip install -e .[dev]
Python3.7 only
This repo is set to use pre-commit
to run isort, mypy, flake8, pydocstring and black ("uncompromising Python code formatter") when commiting new code.
$ pre-commit install
Created by Development Seed