
Redis queue implementation using Python

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Redis Queue with Containers

This is an implementation of a Redis Queue using a trigger that sends the message to a producer which stores the message in the redis queue and then a consumer checks for new messages on it.

If a new message is in the queue, the consumer process it and sends it to the ending API.


  • Python >= 3
  • pip >= 19.2.3
  • Docker >= 19.03.12
  • Docker Compose >= 1.24.0

Ports used

  • Redis: 6379
  • Producer: 11000
  • Ending API: 12000


  1. Producer
  2. Redis
  3. Consumer
  4. Ending API

How to run

# Build the containers
docker-compose build

# Run the containers
docker-compose up

# Install trigger.py dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Send the message
python trigger.py

Integrate this queue with your own container/micro-service/service

Inside the docker-compose.yml:

  1. Change the environment variable: ENDING_API (Ex: name-of-your-container:port)

  2. Change the depends_on with the name of your container (Ex: name-of-your-container)