
A giter8 template to create new services on the hmrc platform

Primary LanguageScala

A Giter8 template for creating Scala Play projects for HMRC digital services

This is a fork of Nick Karaolis's original template, with two new branches that include support for integration tests and scoverage.

To use the template you need to have SBT version of 0.13.13 or later
Information to install this on linux can be found here:

To create a template service:

  1. Locate to the directory where you want to create the template
  2. To create a generic microservice run the command
    sbt new johnrevill/hmrc-service-template.g8
    Or if you want to create a frontend/API run the command
    sbt new johnrevill/hmrc-service-template.g8 -b <Frontend or API>
  3. Enter the name of your new service when prompted and then the new project will be created

Nb: Under Linux, if you try to compile the created project then you may encounter an exception such as java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: One of setGitDir or setWorkTree must be called.. This seems to be a bug in grgit. The workaround is simply to init a new git repo with the files in an initial commit.

Template license

Written by Nick Karaolis

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.