
g8 seed of a scala project with sbt build and sonatype release

Primary LanguageScala

A Giter8 template for creating scala-seed

How to create a new project based on the template?

  • Install g8 commandline tool (http://www.foundweekends.org/giter8/setup.html)

  • Go to the directory where you want to create the template

  • Decide your service name (the hardest part :))

  • Run the command

    g8 {GITHUB_USER}/scala-seed --projectName="Seed Test" --userName="Artur Opala" --package="com.github.arturopala.seedtest" -o seed-test

and then

cd seed-test
git init
git add .
git commit -m start
  • Test generated project using command

    sbt test

How to test the template and generate an example project?

  • Run ./test.sh

An example project will be then created and tested in target/sandbox/seed-test

How to modify the template?

  • review template sources in /src/main/g8
  • modify files as you need, but be careful about placeholders, paths and so on
  • run ./test.sh in template root to validate your changes

or (safer) ...

  • run ./test.sh first
  • open target/sandbox/seed-test in your preferred IDE,
  • modify the generated example project as you wish,
  • build and test it as usual, you can run sbt test,
  • when you are done switch back to the template root
  • run ./update-g8.sh in order to port your changes back to the template.
  • run ./test.sh again to validate your changes

What is in the template?

Assuming the command above the template will supply the following values for the placeholders:

$packaged$ -> com/github/arturopala/seedtest
$package$ -> com.github.arturopala.seedtest
$userNameCamel$ -> ArturOpala
$userNamecamel$ -> arturOpala
$userNameNoSpaceLowercase$ -> arturopala
$userNameNoSpaceUppercase$ -> ARTUROPALA
$userNamesnake$ -> artur_opala
$userNameSnake$ -> ARTUR_OPALA
$userNamePackage$ -> Artur.Opala
$userNamePackageLowercase$ -> artur.opala
$userNamePackaged$ -> Artur/Opala
$userNamePackagedLowercase$ -> artur/opala
$userNameHyphen$ -> artur-opala
$userNameLowercase$ -> artur opala
$userNameUppercase$ -> ARTUR OPALA
$userName$ -> Artur Opala
$projectNameCamel$ -> SeedTest
$projectNamecamel$ -> seedTest
$projectNameNoSpaceLowercase$ -> seedtest
$projectNameNoSpaceUppercase$ -> SEEDTEST
$projectNamesnake$ -> seed_test
$projectNameSnake$ -> SEED_TEST
$projectNamePackage$ -> Seed.Test
$projectNamePackageLowercase$ -> seed.test
$projectNamePackaged$ -> Seed/Test
$projectNamePackagedLowercase$ -> seed/test
$projectNameHyphen$ -> seed-test
$projectNameLowercase$ -> seed test
$projectNameUppercase$ -> SEED TEST
$projectName$ -> Seed Test

and produce the folders and files as shown below:

├── .gitignore
├── .scalafmt.conf
├── build.sbt
├── project
│   ├── build.properties
│   └── plugins.sbt
├── README.md
├── sonatype.sbt
├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   └── scala
│   │       └── com
│   │           └── github
│   │               └── arturopala
│   │                   └── seedtest
│   │                       └── SeedTest.scala
│   │
│   └── test
│       └── scala
│           └── com
│               └── github
│                   └── arturopala
│                       └── seedtest
│                           ├── AnyWordSpecCompat.scala
│                           └── SeedTestSpec.scala
└── version.sbt