
Flights search demo REST service

Primary LanguageJava

#Interconnecting Flights Search

Build Status

Spring MVC based RESTful API application which serves information about possible direct and interconnected flights (maximum 1 stop) based on the data consumed from external APIs.


###GET /interconnections?departure={departure}&arrival={arrival}&departureDateTime={departureDateTime}&arrivalDateTime={arrivalDateTime}

  • departure - a departure airport IATA code
  • departureDateTime - a departure datetime in the departure airport timezone in ISO format
  • arrival - an arrival airport IATA code
  • arrivalDateTime - an arrival datetime in the arrival airport timezone in ISO format

For example: http://localhost:8080/{context}/interconnections?departure=DUB&arrival=WRO&departureDateTime=2016-03-01T07:00&arrivalDateTime=2016-03-03T21:00

The application returns a list of flights departing from a given departure airport not earlier than the specified departure datetime and arriving to a given arrival airport not later than the specified arrival datetime.

The list consist of:

  • all direct flights if available (for example: DUB - WRO)
  • all interconnected flights with a maximum of one stop if available (for example: DUB - STN - WRO)
  • For interconnected flights the difference between the arrival and the next departure should be 2h or greater

Example response:

    "stops": 0,
    "legs": [
        "departureAirport": "DUB",
        "arrivalAirport": "WRO",
        "departureDateTime": "2016-05-02T09:45",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2016-05-02T13:20"
    "stops": 0,
    "legs": [
        "departureAirport": "DUB",
        "arrivalAirport": "WRO",
        "departureDateTime": "2016-05-04T17:50",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2016-05-04T21:25"
    "stops": 0,
    "legs": [
        "departureAirport": "DUB",
        "arrivalAirport": "WRO",
        "departureDateTime": "2016-05-05T19:30",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2016-05-05T23:05"
    "stops": 0,
    "legs": [
        "departureAirport": "DUB",
        "arrivalAirport": "WRO",
        "departureDateTime": "2016-05-06T18:00",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2016-05-06T21:35"
    "stops": 0,
    "legs": [
        "departureAirport": "DUB",
        "arrivalAirport": "WRO",
        "departureDateTime": "2016-05-08T13:55",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2016-05-08T17:30"
    "stops": 1,
    "legs": [
        "departureAirport": "DUB",
        "arrivalAirport": "GLA",
        "departureDateTime": "2016-05-02T07:20",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2016-05-02T08:20"
        "departureAirport": "GLA",
        "arrivalAirport": "WRO",
        "departureDateTime": "2016-05-02T11:45",
        "arrivalDateTime": "2016-05-02T15:15"


Build & Test

mvn clean test

Run locally

mvn clean spring-boot:run

Open http://localhost:8080/jsondoc-ui.html

Paste http://localhost:8080/jsondoc into search field and click [Enter]

Build war archive

mvn clean package