A Giter8 template for creating HMRC Digital Scala Play 2.6 Frontend

How to create a new project based on the template?

  • Install g8 commandline tool (http://www.foundweekends.org/giter8/setup.html)

  • Go to the directory where you want to create the template

  • Decide your service name (the hardest part :))

  • Run the command

    g8 hmrc/template-play-26-frontend.g8 --servicename="New Shiny Service 26" --serviceTargetPort="9999" --package="uk.gov.hmrc.newshinyservice26frontend"

and then

cd new-shiny-service-26-frontend
git init
git add .
git commit -m start
  • Test generated project using command

    sbt test it:test

How to test the template and generate an example project?

  • Run ./test.sh

An example project will be then created and tested in target/sandbox/new-shiny-service-26-frontend

How to modify the template?

  • review template sources in /src/main/g8
  • modify files as you need, but be careful about placeholders, paths and so on
  • run ./test.sh in template root to validate your changes

or (safer) ...

  • run ./test.sh first
  • open target/sandbox/new-shiny-service-26-frontend in your preferred IDE,
  • modify the generated example project as you wish,
  • build and test it as usual, you can run sbt test it:test,
  • when you are done switch back to the template root
  • run ./update-g8.sh in order to port your changes back to the template.
  • run ./test.sh again to validate your changes

What is in the template?

Assuming the command above the template will supply the following values for the placeholders:

$packaged$ -> uk/gov/hmrc/newshinyservice26frontend
$package$ -> uk.gov.hmrc.newshinyservice26frontend
$servicenameCamel$ -> NewShinyService26
$servicenamecamel$ -> newShinyService26
$servicenameSnake$ -> NEW_SHINY_SERVICE_26
$servicenamePackage$ -> New.Shiny.Service.26
$servicenamePackageLowercase$ -> new.shiny.service.26
$servicenamePackaged$ -> New/Shiny/Service/26
$servicenamePackagedLowercase$ -> new/shiny/service/26
$servicenameHyphen$ -> new-shiny-service-26
$servicenameLowercase$ -> new shiny service 26
$servicenameUppercase$ -> NEW SHINY SERVICE 26
$servicename$ -> New Shiny Service 26
$serviceTargetPort$ -> 9999

and produce the folders and files as shown below:

├── .gitignore
├── .scalafmt.conf
├── app
│   ├── ErrorHandler.scala
│   ├── FrontendModule.scala
│   └── uk
│       └── gov
│           └── hmrc
│               └── newshinyservice26frontend
│                   ├── connectors
│                   │   ├── FrontendAuthConnector.scala
│                   │   └── NewShinyService26Connector.scala
│                   │
│                   ├── controllers
│                   │   ├── AuthActions.scala
│                   │   ├── NewShinyService26FrontendController.scala
│                   │   └── package.scala
│                   │
│                   ├── models
│                   │   └── NewShinyService26FrontendModel.scala
│                   │
│                   ├── services
│                   │   └── AuditService.scala
│                   │
│                   ├── views
│                   │   ├── error_prefix.scala.html
│                   │   ├── error_template.scala.html
│                   │   ├── govuk_wrapper.scala.html
│                   │   ├── main_template.scala.html
│                   │   ├── newShinyService26FrontendForm.scala.html
│                   │   ├── start.scala.html
│                   │   └── summary.scala.html
│                   │
│                   └── wiring
│                       └── AppConfig.scala
├── build.sbt
├── conf
│   ├── app.routes
│   ├── application-json-logger.xml
│   ├── application.conf
│   ├── logback.xml
│   ├── messages
│   └── prod.routes
├── it
│   └── uk
│       └── gov
│           └── hmrc
│               └── newshinyservice26frontend
│                   ├── connectors
│                   │   ├── NewShinyService26ConnectorISpec.scala
│                   │   └── TestAppConfig.scala
│                   │
│                   ├── controllers
│                   │   ├── AuthActionsISpec.scala
│                   │   └── NewShinyService26FrontendControllerISpec.scala
│                   │
│                   ├── stubs
│                   │   ├── AuthStubs.scala
│                   │   └── DataStreamStubs.scala
│                   │
│                   └── support
│                       ├── BaseISpec.scala
│                       ├── MetricsTestSupport.scala
│                       └── WireMockSupport.scala
├── project
│   ├── build.properties
│   └── plugins.sbt
├── README.md
├── repository.yaml
└── test
    └── uk
        └── gov
            └── hmrc
                └── newshinyservice26frontend
                    ├── controllers
                    │   └── NewShinyService26FrontendFormSpec.scala
                    ├── services
                    │   └── AuditServiceSpec.scala
                    └── views
                        └── ViewsSpec.scala