A node.js client library for the Plaid API.
$ npm install plaid
The module supports all Plaid API endpoints. For complete information about the API, head to the docs.
All endpoints require a valid client_id
, secret
, and public_key
access and are accessible from a valid instance of a Plaid Client
const plaid = require('plaid');
const plaidClient = new plaid.Client(client_id, secret, public_key, plaid_env, options);
The plaid_env
parameter dictates which Plaid API environment you will access. Values are:
- production use, createsItem
s on https://production.plaid.complaid.environments.development
- use for integration development and testing, createsItem
s on https://development.plaid.complaid.environments.sandbox
- quickly build out your integration with stateful test data, createsItem
s on https://sandbox.plaid.com
The options
parameter is optional and allows for clients to override the default options used to make requests. e.g.
const patientClient = new plaid.Client(client_id, secret, public_key, plaid_env, {
timeout: 10 * 60 * 1000, // 30 minutes
agent: 'Patient Agent'
See here for a complete list of options. The default timeout for requests is 10 minutes.
Once an instance of the client has been created you use the following methods:
const plaid = require('plaid');
// Initialize client
const plaidClient = new plaid.Client(client_id, secret, public_key, plaid_env, options);
// createPublicToken(String, Function)
plaidClient.createPublicToken(access_token, cb);
// exchangePublicToken(String, Function)
plaidClient.exchangePublicToken(public_token, cb);
// createProcessorToken(String, String, String, Function)
plaidClient.createProcessorToken(access_token, account_id, processor, cb);
// invalidateAccessToken(String, Function)
plaidClient.invalidateAccessToken(access_token, cb);
// updateAccessTokenVersion(String, Function)
plaidClient.updateAccessTokenVersion(legacy_access_token, cb);
// removeItem(String, Function)
plaidClient.removeItem(access_token, cb);
// getItem(String, Function)
plaidClient.getItem(access_token, cb);
// updateItemWebhook(String, String, Function)
plaidClient.updateItemWebhook(access_token, webhook, cb);
// getAccounts(String, Object?, Function)
plaidClient.getAccounts(access_token, options, cb);
// getBalance(String, Object?, Function)
plaidClient.getBalance(access_token, options, cb);
// getAuth(String, Object?, Function)
plaidClient.getAuth(access_token, options, cb);
// getIdentity(String, Function)
plaidClient.getIdentity(access_token, cb);
// getIncome(String, Function)
plaidClient.getIncome(access_token, cb);
// getCreditDetails(String, Function)
plaidClient.getCreditDetails(access_token, cb);
// getTransactions(String, Date(YYYY-MM-DD), Date(YYYY-MM-DD), Object?, Function)
plaidClient.getTransactions(access_token, start_date, end_date, options, cb);
// createStripeToken(String, String, Function)
plaidClient.createStripeToken(access_token, account_id, cb);
// getInstitutions(Number, Number, Function);
plaidClient.getInstitutions(count, offset, cb);
// getInstitutionsById(String, Object?, Function)
plaidClient.getInstitutionById(institution_id, options, cb);
// searchInstitutionsByName(String, [String], Object?, Function)
plaidClient.searchInstitutionsByName(query, products, options, cb);
// getCategories(Function)
// resetLogin(String, Function)
// Sandbox-only endpoint to trigger an `ITEM_LOGIN_REQUIRED` error
plaidClient.resetLogin(access_token, cb);
All parameters except options
are required. If the options parameter is omitted, the last argument to the function
will be interpreted as the callback.
All requests have callbacks of the following form:
function callback(err, response) {
// err can be a network error or a Plaid API error (i.e. invalid credentials)
The err
argument passed to either callback style can either be an instance of Error
or a [Plaid API error][3] object. An Error
is only passed back in the case of a HTTP connection error. The following code distinguishes
between a Plaid error and a standard Error instance:
function callback(err, response) {
if (err != null) {
if (err.error_code != null) {
// This is a Plaid error
console.log(err.error_code + ': ' + err.error_message);
} else {
// This is a connection error, an Error object
Exchange a public_token
from Plaid Link for a Plaid access_token
and then
retrieve account data:
plaidClient.exchangePublicToken(public_token, function(err, res) {
const access_token = res.access_token;
plaidClient.getAccounts(access_token, function(err, res) {
Retrieve transactions for a transactions user for the last thirty days:
const now = moment();
const today = now.format('YYYY-MM-DD');
const thirtyDaysAgo = now.subtract(30, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD');
plaidClient.getTransactions(access_token, thirtyDaysAgo, today, (err, res) => {
console.log(`You have ${res.transactions.length} transactions from the last thirty days.`);
Get accounts for a particular Item
plaidClient.getAccounts(access_token, {
account_ids: ['123456790']
}, (err, res) => {
// The library also juggles arguments, when options is omitted
plaidClient.getAccounts(access_token, (err, res) => {
Every method returns a promise, so you don't have to use the callbacks.
API methods that return either a success or an error can be used with the
usual then/else
paradigm, e.g.
plaidPromise.then(successResponse => {
// ...
}).catch(err => {
// ...
For example:
'use strict';
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const express = require('express');
const plaid = require('plaid');
const plaidClient = new plaid.Client(
const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
extended: true
app.post('/plaid_exchange', (req, res) => {
var public_token = req.body.public_token;
plaidClient.exchangePublicToken(public_token).then(res => {
const access_token = res.access_token;
plaidClient.getAccounts(access_token).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
// If error_type is null, it indicates a network or runtime error.
if (err.error_type == null) {
// Indicates plaid API error
console.log('/exchange token returned an error', {
error_type: err.error_type,
error_code: res.statusCode,
error_message: err.error_message,
display_message: err.display_message,
request_id: err.request_id,
status_code: err.status_code,
// Inspect error_type to handle the error in your application
switch(err.error_type) {
// ...
// ...
// ...
case 'API_ERROR':
// ...
case 'ITEM_ERROR':
// ...
// fallthrough
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Listening on port ${ port }`);
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