This is the pipeline simple-viacep-weather-integration README:
This is the pipeline components tree:
├── 00-Mocked Payload Data (json-generator-connector)
├── 01-Git Config (capsule-v1-demo-devops-commit-message-2.0)
├── 02-Bilhetagem (event-publisher-connector)
├── 03-Recebe o CEP e adiciona o timestamp da requisição (json-generator-connector)
├── 04-JSON Generator (json-generator-connector)
├── 05-Adiciona o "greetings" com base na hora de entrada. (script-connector)
├── 06-Transforma o body em userinfo. (transformer)
├── 07-Grava o userinfo na sessão. (session-management)
├── 08-Acessa o VIA CEP (rest-connector-v2)
├── 09-Recupera o userinfo da sessao (session-management)
├── 10-Log (log-connector)
├── 11-Log (log-connector)
├── 12-Block-Execution (block-execution-connector)
│ ├── onProcess
│ │ ├── 00-Log (log-connector)
│ │ ├── 01-Block-Execution (block-execution-connector)
│ │ │ ├── onProcess
│ │ │ │ ├── 00-Blob Storage (Azure) (Azure-Blob-Storage-Connector)
│ │ │ │ ├── 01-Log (log-connector)
│ │ │ │ └── 02-For Each (for-each-connector)
│ │ │ │ ├── onProcess
│ │ │ │ │ ├── 00-Template Transformer (template-transformer)
│ │ │ │ │ ├── 01-JSON Transformer (json-transformer-connector)
│ │ │ │ │ └── 02-Transformer (JOLT) (transformer)
│ │ │ │ └── onException
│ │ │ │ └── 00-JSON String to JSON Transformer (json-string-to-json-transformer)
│ │ │ └── onException
│ │ │ └── 00-Log (log-connector)
│ │ └── 02-Log depois do block dentro do block (log-connector)
│ └── onException
│ ├── 00-Throw Error (throw-error-connector)
│ ├── 01-JSON Path Transformer (json-path-transformer)
│ ├── 02-Throw Error (throw-error-connector)
│ └── 03-Log (log-connector)
├── 13-Log depois do block do start (log-connector)
├── 14-JSON Transformer (json-transformer-connector)
├── 15-JSON String to JSON Transformer (json-string-to-json-transformer)
├── 16-JSON to JSON String Transformer (json-to-json-string-transformer)
├── 17-Stream Excel (stream-excel-connector)
│ ├── onException
│ │ ├── 00-File Reader (file-reader-connector)
│ │ └── 01-XML Schema Validator (xml-validator-connector)
│ └── onProcess
│ ├── 00-Excel (excel-connector)
│ ├── 01-File Writer (file-writer-connector)
│ └── 02-GZIP V2 (Compress and Decompress) (gzip-connector-v2)
├── 18-XML Schema Validator (xml-validator-connector)
├── 19-Excel (excel-connector)
├── 20-CSV to Excel (csv-to-excel-connector)
└── 21-Append Files (append-files-connector)