
Simple generic Django app that handles abuse reports for site content.

Primary LanguagePython



  • Django 1.3
  • django-recaptcha


  • Clone repo and save abusereport directory in Your Django Project Dir
  • Add 'abusereport' to INSTALLED_APPS in project settings
  • Run
    $ ./manage.py syncdb


  • Make sure that Your project has set DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL variable in settings

  • Set Email notification recipients:

    add following statement to project's settings:

    ABUSEREPORT_SENDTO = ['admin@host.com', 'admin2@host.com']


In Your Content model implement method content_type() that returns django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType instance for this model. eg.:

def content_type(self):
    from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
    return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self)

On page template with Content add report button via templatetag: obj is variable name for Model Instance.:

{{ load abusereport_tags }}
{% abuse_report_button obj.content_type.id obj.id %}

That's it. It should work.