
Ansible playbook to setup Raspberry Pi for capturing metrics with MQTT and Telegraf

Ansible PI

This ansible playbook helps me setup Raspberry Pi which I am using for capturing multiple metrics:

  • home energy consumption
  • EV charger
  • metrics from Polish electrical grid operator

Automation sets up following components:

  1. Docker
  2. Mosquitto (MQTT server)
  3. InfluxDB
  4. Telegraf
  5. Grafana

Data pipeline is setup automatically (up to InfluxDB), but Grafana requires manual setup.
All components are run using single docker-compose and are setup for automatic restart.


graph LR;
    Config(["Telegraf Config: <br>MQTT<br>http/JSON" ])
    subgraph raspberry pi 
    EM-. MQTT .-> MQTT
    OpenEVSE-. MQTT.->MQTT


Host configuration

Initial Versions (run on Ubuntu 20.04)

  • ansible 2.9.6
  • python 3.8.10

Current version (run on MacOS Ventura 13.0.1)

  • ansible 2.13.6
  • python 3.11.0

sshpass installation

You will need sshpass installed on your host machine.


sudo apt-get install sshpass


brew install hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass

Raspberry Pi setup

I am using Raspberry Pi OS Lite. Currently tested release: 22.09.2022 (2022-09-22-raspios-bullseye-armhf-lite.img)
System will automatically install docker and docker-compose. Here are tested versions:

Docker version 20.10.5+dfsg1, build 55c4c88
docker-compose version 1.25.0, build unknown

Issue with docker-compose

Newer versions of docker-compose installed from PIP have issues with building correctly cryptography package.
I've switched to older docker-compose version from RaspiOS apt-get package.

Initial setup

Please adjust configuration files for your needs:

Installation process

Prepare SD card

  1. Burn image (MacOS version, you can also use Raspberry Pi Imager)
  • Find your SD card (later I will use diskN)
    diskutil list
  • unmount any mounted partitions of SD card
    diskutil unmountDisk diskN
  • write image using dd command
    sudo dd bs=1M if=raspberrypi_image.img  of=/dev/diskN status=progress
  1. Copy configuration files from sdcard into sd card's /boot directory

    Please configure WiFi network and password in wpa_supplicant.conf file first!

    File Description
    ssh Empty file. It enables SSH console
    userconf.txt Defines user and it's password. Setup to default pi:raspberry. Use openssl passwd -6 for generating other password
    wpa_supplicant.conf Defines WiFi connection. Use wpa_passphrase for generating encrypted password

    You can find more documentation Setting up a headless raspberry pi

  2. Put a card into RaspberryPi and wait for magic to happen. RaspiOS will install the system creating a default user User: pi Password: raspberry

    password can be modified simply by changing the content of userconf.txt file.
    Modification of user name would require changing of multiple playbook files.

  3. Additional steps are required

    Addtional steps are required because of rfkill issue (See enable_wifi.bash).
    Root cause is related to race condition between setting up of country and setting up of Wifi network based on wpa_supplicant.conf file.
    Manual setup of country is a known workaround for Those additional steps requires keyboard and screen.

  • Manual setup of country using raspi-config
    sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country GB

Run ansible playbook ("all in one" installation)

ansible-playbook rpisetup.yml --tags="allinone"  -i raspberries --ask-pass -c ssh

Setup grafana

Grafana's setup is not automated.
After containers are up and running you should be able to open grafana

  User: admin
  Psw: admin

In Grafana: select data source and setup connection to InfluxDB

Data source: InfluxDB
URL:  http://influxdb:8086
Database: telegraf
User: telegraf_user
Psw: telegraf_password


Ansible playbook structure

You can also run step by step installation process. Use tags in the following order:

  1. update
  2. dockerinstall
  3. dppdirectories
  4. mqtt
  5. telegraf
  6. dockerrun

Ansible playbook TODOs

  • Add description about using Ansible vault or headless installation of ssh keys
  • Check possibility to run newer docker-compose

Useful hints and links

Add ssh fingerprint

ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Inspirations and links for a better readme