JS Mini Challenge: Fetch


Fork this repo, then run git clone to download it locally. Then cd into the downloaded directory and open it in your text editor with code ..


When you’re finished, run the following commands in your terminal to submit:

git add .
git commit -m 'Done'
git push

To get feedback on your code, make a pull request from your forked repo. If you worked with a partner, you can tag your partner on the pull request.


We're going to build off the code we worked on in the Events Mini Challenge, and add persistence to our application. That means when we...

  • add a new player, or
  • 'like' a player

...those changes should be persisted to our server by making a fetch request. We'll also need to make a fetch request to get our player data from the server for our initial render of the players.

There's a section in this Readme file for your notes on each deliverable. As you go through the deliverables, write down some notes in this file on how you solved each problem. It'll help reinforce what you learned and give you a head start next time you see a similar problem.


This Mini Challenge uses json-server to create a RESTful server using a .json file.

First, you'll need to install json-server (if you haven't already done so for another assignment). From your terminal, run:

$ npm install -g json-server

Then, we'll need to start json-server and have it use the db.json file in this directory as its database:

$ json-server --watch db.json

To check if your server is running, open http://localhost:3000/players in your browser. You should see an array of all the players from the db.json file.

Deliverable 1: Fetch Players

When the application loads, all the players should be displayed.

You will need to make a request to the server using fetch:

GET /players

Example Response:
    id: 1,
    number: 11,
    name: "Mo Salah",
    nickname: "The Egyptian King",
    photo: "https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/190501145802-mo-salah-exlarge-169.jpg",
    likes: 1000
    id: 2,
    number: 9,
    name: "Roberto Firmino",
    nickname: "Bobby Chompers",
    photo: "https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/liverpoolfc/images/f/f3/RFirmino2019.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20190807042207",
    likes: 1000

Once you have successfully fetched the players from the server, display them on the page (you can re-use the code from the previous Mini Challenge to display the players).


Deliverable 2: Create Player

When a user submits the form, the new player should be persisted in the database.

In order to save the player to the database, you will need to make a request using fetch:

POST /players

  "Content-Type": "application/json"

Required Keys in Body:
  number: number,
  name: "string",
  nickname: "string",
  photo: "string",
  likes: 1000

Example Response:
  id: 4,
  number: 14,
  name: "Jordan Henderson",
  nickname: "Hendo",
  photo: "https://icdn.empireofthekop.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Jordan-Henderson-640x426.jpg",
  likes: 1000

After the player has been persisted, the new player should be displayed on the bottom of the page (you can reuse your code from the previous Mini Challenge to help with this).

To check if your fetch request is working, you can look at the db.json file to see if your player has been added. You can also try refreshing the page to see if the new player still shows up.


Deliverable 3: Like Button

When a user clicks the like button for a player, that player's likes should increase by 1. The player's updated likes should persist on the server, and also be displayed on the page.

To persist the likes, you will need to make a request using fetch. Make sure you can access to the player's id, since you will need that information to put together the URL for the fetch request.

PATCH /players/:id

  "Content-Type": "application/json"

Required Keys in Body:
  likes: number

Example Response:
  id: 4,
  number: 14,
  name: "Jordan Henderson",
  nickname: "Hendo",
  photo: "https://icdn.empireofthekop.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Jordan-Henderson-640x426.jpg",
  likes: 1001

It's up to you if you'd like to handle this optimistically or pessimistically.

To check if your fetch request is working, you can look at the db.json file to see if the likes for your player has been updated. You can also try refreshing the page to see if the player's likes still show the updated number.