
You are given an api.js file that exports an array of objects that look like this:

{ "id": 1, "name": "All Day Slay", "img": "", "favorite": false }


  • Render a list of all Beyonce images

  • When a User clicks on a Beyonce image in BeyContainer it should change the favorite key of that object to true, which should then add that Beyonce to the Favorites Container

  • When a User clicks on a Beyonce image in the Favorites container, it should change the favorite key of that object to false, which should then remove it from the FavoritesContainer and send an alert saying "I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag"

  • You should use BDD to verify functionality

  • You can run npm run submit to save and push your work to github


  • The gif below will give you an idea of what the app should look like
  • Look up the window.alert function

beyonce gif

CSS/Design: @cmccarthy15