Wikiswarm === Generates code_swarm event logs from the Wikipedia API. Written to visualize edits to the Barack Obama page: Usage === Get the code_swarm Processing app installed and working: Generate an activity.xml using wikipedia.rb -- can accept multiple args: $ ruby wikipedia.rb "Barack Obama" > activity.xml It will also generate a merged log from multiple arguments: $ ruby wikipedia.rb "Barack Obama" "John McCain" "Ron Paul" > activity.xml And can produce a log of a users' contributions, which fits the few-authors-many-files paradigm better: $ ruby wikipdia.rb "User:Jamiew" > activity.xml Config === The code_swarm.wikipedia.config file is the config I used to generate the Obama video. It has edges turned on (which turns the histogram off) and lower TTL for authors. In a code_swarm install you can do something like: $ ruby wikiswarm/wikipedia.rb "Barack Obama" > data/activity.xml $ ./ wikiswarm/code_swarm.wikipedia.config See the code_swarm docs for how to save frames and use ffmpeg to generate a video. Then add rap music and enjoy! Written by Jamie Wilkinson Nov. 6th 2008