

This very simple Confluence app was created to investigate how to package an app (this one) along with another companion app (sample-app) inside an OBR file, from which they are both installed in Confluence.

Technical Requirements

  • Java 11 (adoptium openjdk)
  • Maven 3.6.3+
  • Confluence 7.4+

Packaging Steps

Assuming you have a Confluence 7.4+ instance up and running:

  1. Clone this repo and the sample-app repo so that both sit in the same parent folder. Eg:
├── confluence-main-app
├── confluence-sample-app
  1. Install the companion sample-app in your local repository
# From confluence-sample-app directory
mvn clean install
  1. Package the main-app
# From confluence-main-app directory
mvn clean package

This will generate the OBR file on: /target/main-app-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.obr

  1. Upload OBR file to your Confluence instance using UPM

Current problem!!!

In the UPM only the main app appear as installed and the sample app is not.

OBR tutorials and other guides used