Tanzu GitOps Reference Implementation (WIP)

Getting Started Quick

Fork the repo and update the 01-setup.sh on Line 171 with your repo.

Create the values.yaml from the values-template.yaml file.

$ cp ./gorkem/templates/values-template.yaml ./gorkem/values.yaml

Then, update the ./gorkem/values.yaml file for TAP values.

If you need to create required certificates:

$ ./00-airgapped-prep.sh gen-cert

For airgapped environments, run the 00-airgapped-prep.sh script.

Downloading required all packages.

$ ./00-airgapped-prep.sh prep

Importing required all CLIs

$ ./00-airgapped-prep.sh import-cli

Importing required all packages.

$ ./00-airgapped-prep.sh import-packages

Then run the 01-setup.sh for installation

$ ./01-setup.sh

Finally, run the post install command.

$ ./00-airgapped-prep.sh post-install