
Cointegration illustration with synthetic data and statistical tests

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

In this repository, I am conducting cointegration analysis in finance using Python. Cointegration analysis is a statistical technique used to determine whether two or more time series are "cointegrated," meaning they share a long-term relationship despite potentially exhibiting short-term fluctuations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cointegration

Here's a breakdown of the files in this repository:


This Jupyter notebook serves as the main demonstration of cointegration analysis methods. I generate random pairs of time series data, some with cointegration and others without. I plot the data and visualize potential cointegration. Next, I perform four of the below cointegration tests on the data pairs to determine whether they exhibit cointegration or not.

Finally, the results are presented with a summary.


This Python script contains code for generating synthetic data for cointegration analysis.


This Python script contains helper functions and implementations of cointegration tests.

helper.py: This Python script contains additional helper functions for plotting and data manipulation.