
A simple data store library built on top of Git repository

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A simple key-value store based on Git repository. Get all the benefits of a Git repo such as revision history and tracking changes per user on a data store. These features are especially useful for storing and managing configuration files that are accessed and modified by multiple users/applications.


GitStore gitStore = new GitStore("/tmp/test-db");
String content = "A new document to store into GitStore";
String docname = "document-1";
gitStore.connect("arun", "arun.mahendra@someemail.com");
gitStore.put(docname, content, "inserted new document into git store.");

Check git log

$cd /tmp/test-db
$git log
commit 03c8528435ada5e552ba561b4d69b3d3bad9b48d
Author: arun <arun.mahendra@someemail.com>
Date:   Thu Nov 9 12:18:54 2017 -0600

    inserted new document into git store.

Get content back

A new document to store into GitStore

Storing data in partition

String content = "Test test Test test";
String docname = "test-doc";
DBPartition partName = new DBPartition("part/1");
gitStore.connect("arun", "arun.mahendra@someemail.com");
gitStore.inPartition(partName).put(docname, content, "created for testing");

Retrieving data from partition

String content = gitStore.inPartition(partName).get(docname);

Delete document and drop partition

gitStore.inPartition(partName).delete(docname, "removing file.");
gitStore.dropPartitionTree(partName, "dropping partition after testing.");

Maven dependency (only snaphot available currently.)


to include snapshot repo, add this to your repository list:
