Blue Green Deployment NodejsApp



- Install GIT
- EKS Cluster
- Install ALB-Ingress-Controller
- Request a Cerficate using Certificate Manager
- Create Hosted Zone with our Domain Name
- External DNS Setup

EKS Cluster Setup:

EKS Cluster Setup

ALB Ingress Controller Setup:

ALB Ingress Controller

Create Hosted Zone with our Domain Name

image image image

Request a Cerficate using Certificate Manager

In AWS certificate Manager:

image image image image Create Route53: image image

REfresh and check hostedzone: image


Note : ARN for certificate : arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:136962450893:certificate/c4e6bf26-02df-4e49-b88b-9412562c1966

External DNS Setup:

External DNS


Install GIT:

yum install git -y

Install npm:

sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ make
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo yum install -y nodejs

Install Docker:

yum install docker -y
service docker start

Clone code from github:

git clone
cd RollingUpdate-Rollback-NodejsApp

Build Maven Artifact:

npm install

Build Docker image for Springboot Application

docker build -t naresh240/nodejs-k8s:v1 .

Docker login

docker login

Push docker image to dockerhub

docker push naresh240/nodejs-k8s:v1

Deploy nodejs Application using below commands:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yml


kubectl apply -f service.yml


Check pods and services:

kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc


Run ingress for checking output with DNS name

kubectl apply -f ingress.yml

without externaldns and security:

Check Load Balancer of ALB ingress controller attached to ingress or not

kubectl get ingress


#remove paths for ssl and execute it again (kubectl apply -f ingress.yml and kubectl get ingress)


Now another load balance is created image image

Go to UI and check our external dns, which showing output application with HTTPS


Upgrading for nodejs Application:

Edit our our application and Build docker image with new tag:

docker build -t naresh240/nodejs-k8s:v2 .

Push Docker image to docker hub with tag v2:

docker push naresh240/nodejs-k8s:v2

upgrade nodejs application with tag v2:

kubectl rollout history deployment nodejs-deployment

Check rollout history for revision "1"

kubectl rollout history deployment nodejs-deployment --revision=1

Upgrade new image using below command

kubectl set image deployment nodejs-deployment nodejs-deployment=naresh240/nodejs-k8s:v2

Goto Web UI and check updated version output


Check rollout history for revision "2"

kubectl rollout history deployment nodejs-deployment --revision=2

Rollout to previous version using below command

kubectl rollout undo deployment nodejs-deployment --to-revision=1

Goto Web UI and check again:


After updating the domain in ingress.yml, run the ingress.yml
