Scrape sentinel

This gets satellite imagery from sentinelsat


Changing the file

  • Don't change the contents of the ROOT variable.
  • Enter the username, password, and other metadata in the file.
  • The BBOX_GEOJSON_FILE is a file that contains a polygon/bounding box in which we want to look for data. Create a file, say bbox.geojson. This file needs to have the area we are searching for images in, in the geoJSON format. The easiest way to fill up this file is by going to and drawing a polygon, and pasting the generated geojson in this file. The variable has the path to this file.
  • The IMG_SIZE is the size of the resulting image in pixels. So, for eg if you want a final image of 1024 by 1024 px, this variable will be IMG_SIZE=1024
  • The CLOUD variable is the cloud cover. You can assign this to 0, and read more about it on the Copernicus Sentinelsat documentation on the values for cloud cover.


  • Run npm install to install all the packages
  • Run bash