Github Actions


  • Events trigger workflows, e.g. a push to a branch.
  • Workflows contain one or more jobs, which contains one or more steps.
  • These steps can reference actions or execute commands.
  • The term "Github Actions" include all components, not just the Actions themselves.

Basic Syntax of a Workflow

Workflow file is located under the ./github/workflows directory of the repository -


# Workflow Name
name: Some Linting Workflow

# Events

# Jobs
    name: Lint Code base

#   Runner
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

#   Steps
#     Actions
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: github/super-linter@v3
#     Secrets
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}



  • Webhook events
    • Pull request
    • Issues
    • Push
    • Release
    • ....
        types: [closed, reopened]
  • Scheduled events
        - cron: `30 6 * * 5` # Every Friday at 06:30 UTC
  • Manual events
    • workflow_dispatch
    • repository_dispatch


Github hosted runners

  • OS: ubuntu, windows or macOS
  • Ephemeral
  • 2-core CPU (macOS: 3-core)
  • 7 GB RAM (macOS: 14 GB)
  • 14 GB SSD disk space
  • Software installed: wget, GH CLI, AWS CLI, Java, ...

Self hosted runners

  • Custom hardware config
  • Runs on OS not supported on Github-hosted runner
  • Reference runner using custom labels
  • Can be grouped together
  • Control which organizations/repositories have access to which runner/runner groups
  • Do not use with public repositories


  • Steps are basic unit of execution in GitHub Actions. They consist of either invocations of a predefined action or a shell command to be run on the runner.
  • Shell commands are executed using the run clause.
  • Predefined actions are pulled in via the uses clause.
  • with clause specifies any arguments/parameters to pass to the action.


  • Aggregate steps and define which runner to execute them on.
  • Success or failure is displayed at job level and not on individual step.
  • By default, jobs are executed in parallel unless we specify the needs as a clause under another job, in which the job will wait for the completion of the job that is specified under needs.


  • Workflow is like a pipeline. We define events on which a particular workflow will be triggered. The jobs that will be triggered as a part of that workflow are specified under the jobs section.


  • Action can be as simple as a shell command or it can be a whole project maintained under a separate repo.
  • To be used as an action, a GitHub repository must contain an action.yaml file. This file contains metadata about the action.
  • The format of the file is broken down in four key areas:
    • basic info (name, author, description)
    • inputs
    • outputs
    • runs
  • There is also a less used branding section that allows adding an icon to the action if desired.
  • The inputs and outputs sections have typical properties, that can be set as -
    • description
    • default
    • ...
  • The inputs section is important because it defines how workflows interface with this action. If a parameter is required, your workflow needs to use a with statement, when calling the action, to provide a value to pass in for that parameter.
  • The runs section specifies what kind of programming the action uses for its implementation.


GitHub Docs



Additional Features


Enforcing Actions policies

Additional References