This repository contains all the information required for the physical design flow of your IPs or SOCs, using qflow and other open-source tools. It was created during the "Beginner Physical Design using Open-Source EDA Tools" .
1. DAY-1
The package are protective layer where ICs are put into to easy handing and assembling onto printed ciruite board to protect devices from damage.
Here, QFN-48 means Quad Flat No-leads which have 48 pins and surface_mount. A wide variety of electronic packages exist, including through-hole packages, surface mount packages, chip carriers, pin grid arrays, flat packages, and ball grid arrays. Using these small packages we can place IC to a circuit board.
These are used in various applications as follows,
- Automotive
- Consumer electronics
- Industrial and powe applocations ...etc.
The core is placed in the middle of the quad flat package. Here below is how the chip placed in the middle of the package looks like
IC is the intergrated circuit which consist of millions of transistors, cpacitors, resigtors inside a semiconductor chip. They comes in veriety of size and pakages.
SOC - System on Chip is kind of IC which has the capability of combining functional elemnts of many electronic device on a single chip. It may constist of CPU, Memeory, inputs, outputs, ICs, IPs and other functional elements integrated init. SOC is used in multiple computing task, we can widely see in mobiles, laptops, tablets, AI devices etc.
The chip is madeup of core and die area.
Die is the semiconductin_material(specimen) on which caore(fundamental logic circuit) is fabricated.
Core is the section of chip where the fundamental logic of the design is placed.
The fabrication of the chip is done on the silicon wafer which are usually of 9 inch to 12 inch in diameter. Then, this wafer is cutted into pieces. Each piece has similar funtionality of the fundamental logic called Die.
We can make external connection by placing Pads on the rectangualer metal patches as in above fig.
RISC-V stands as a public, open-source specification for an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) based on Reduced Instruction Set Computer prinnciples, setting it apart from the proprietary ISAs such as x86, typically found in personal computers, and ARM, commonly used in mobile devices. Unlike many ISAs that are bound by proprietary standards, RISC-V is accessible under licenses that are free of charge, giving it a significant advantage over its commercial counterparts. It’s characterized by its simplicity, stability, and compact standard base, while offering extendable ISA support. This has been instrumental in enhancing the adaptability, scalability, extensibility, and modular nature of chip designs.
Assembly language is the bridge betweeen s/w and h/w. Different software and applications runs in different language programs(ex:- C, C++, Java, pyhton ...etc). Hardware cannot understand these lanuguages therefore we use special program like comiler and assembler to convert the instuctions in different languages to the targeted assembly language.
Some of the open sources we can use for,
RTL Designs
EDA tools
- Qflow
- OpenRoad
- OpenLane
PDK data
- Google + skywater = foss 130nm PDK
PKD: Process Desin Kit is a collection of files used to model fabrication process by the EDA tools to design an IC.
This is the interface between fabrication and designers
The PDK includes:
- PDRs: process design rules contained in DRC, LVS, PEX files.
- Device Models.
- Digital STD_Cell libs.
- I/O libs.
no. | Description | tool |
i | RTL synthesis using | yosys |
ii | Technology mapping using | abc |
iii | STA reports using | OpenSTA |
no. | Description | tool |
i | To implement core area | init_fp |
ii | To place input,output ports and macros | ioplacer |
iii | To geerate the power description n/w | pdn |
iv | To insert welltap and Decap cells(physical only cells) | tapcell |
no. | Description | tool |
i | To perform Global Placement | RePlace |
ii | To Perform Design Optimization | Resizer |
iii | To perform Timing Optimization | OpenPhySyn |
iv | To Perfrom Detailed Placement | OpenDP |
no. | Description | tool |
i | To synthesize the CLK distribution n/w | Triton CTS |
no. | Description | tool |
i | To perform Global rouitng | FastRoute |
ii | To perform detailed routing | TritonRoute |
iii | To Perform SPEF extraction | SPEF-Extraction |
no. | Description | tool |
i | To get STA reports | OpenSTA |
no. | Description | tool |
i | to perform final GDSII layout file from routed def | magic |
no. | Description | tool |
i | To perform DRC checks and Antenna Checks | Magic |
ii | To perform LVS checks | NetGen |
The PDK we are usign here is Skywater130nm which is recently made as opensource. Openlane is built arround this pdk.
ALL the files present in these pdk files are shown in the above directory structure.
The silicon foundry files i.e.,skywater130nm or any of the foundry files made to use in the commerrtial eda tools(Paid version) rather than opensource eda tools. This open_pdks used to avoid this problem by converting the files from commertial levl to opensource tool(for example like magic, netgen...etc) usable.
Sky130A is the foundry file that made opensource eda compatible.
file | description | contents |
libs.ref | it is specific to tecchnology. Here we are focusing on Sky130_fd_sc_hd | | | it is specific to tool |
The file name abrivates as follows,
- fd --> foundry
- sc --> std_cells
- hd --> high dencity
these are the files we can find inside the sky130_fd_sc_hd
openlane is a silicon implimtntation platform that supports open-source tools such as yosys, Openroad, Macgic, Klayout along with other opensource and proprietary utilities.
These are the files present in openlane
note:- the commads from 3 to 14 can be put into a <file_name> and we can pass it to "flow.tcl" i.e, > ./flow.tcl -interactive -file <file_name>
picorv32a is the Design we are using here. we can also create other desig aswell in the design folder of openlane.
Some list of designs we will get in design is shown in below:
The files included in the picorv32a is as follows:
note:- here config.tcl contains information about:
- design name
- path to sdc and .v
- clock_period, cloc_port, clock_net
First we need to get inside docker_build using command docker And get the docker into interactive mode.
- we should be in interactive mode ohter wise it will excicute full flow.
./flow.tcl -interactive
- we need to include all the files required to run the flow
package require openlane 0.9
When we run prep -design picorv32a
a run file with todays date will be created inside the Picorv32a>runs>dd-mm_hr-min
At this point we can see multiple folders and files are created inside the 27-04_08-06 file. But most of them are empty.
Step by step each files will generated with report files inside these files.
Next we will start our synthesis
This will run the yosys
and abc
After synthesis report files are generated inside the synthesis folder present in runs. we can see the report mentioned above in these folders, as shown below.
Before sunning the floor plan just have a glan on file in openlane/configuration directory.
open openlane/configuration/floorplan.tcl where we can see default parameter set for floorplan by openlane.
here we need to give more preority to these files.
we can get info of an object by selecting it and asking >what in teckon as shown below.
The next stage after the floorplan is placement to see placement in magic tools:
We can see All the std_cells placed in std_cells rows. All the physical only cells also place.
first we need to get the technology file from
pdk folder, to thevsdstdcelldesign
folder. -
now give magic tool command to display the cell
magic -T sky130_inv.mag
we can use tkcon to get the infrmation about the cell layers by giving command what
first we need to create spice file for our Invertor.
tcl ext2spice cthresh 0 rthresh 0 ext2spice
this will create new .spice file in our vsdstdcelldesign file
Grids are used for easy measure.
in tckon to get the measurment of the grid
Make required modification in spice file.
we need to ru this in ngspice using ngsipce <source file name>
Now to see plot use command in spice as below:
plot y vs time a
this is our transiant response
Now we need to charectorize the cell. means we need to derive value of 4 parameters.
value of rise transition diff b/w x0 should give raise time:
(2.19701e-09) - (2.15231e-09) = 0.0447ns
value of fall transition
(4.06584e-9) - (4.0401e-9) = 0.02574ns
fall cell delay
rise cell delay
(2.18e-9) - (2.15e-9) = 0.03ns
download the files from git
To open the magic tool use:
magic -d XR
To make a via :
select a area > select the maetal layer > set the via using cif see VIA2
to correct the error we need to go to file
then, source the tech file again.
problem is solved by adding nsubstratecontact
Then, the extracted lef file is plugged into picorv32flow
these are teck info, used during routing stage.
li1 is the locali we can see in lable A and Y.
now we have converted Grid definition according to track.
width of the std cells must be odd multiple of x pitch. same goes for height also.
this is how we can create the ports usinf label for A. similerly we can do for all the ports. we need to be carefull while attaching to layer. In label-A and Y, the attach to layer is locali . But for others it may be metal1, metal2 ..etc. like that.
save the layout with our own costum name. i have given sky130_vsdinv.mag.
After creating the sky13_vsdinv.mag open it in magic tool. do lef write
, wwhich create leaf file is the same directory.
lef file contains the modifications we have done.
Now we have to move these files to our design src files. So that all our design files present in a single group.
now that we have added the file, we have to run the reguler flow commands i.e., from docker to synthesis.. floorplan...etc.
To improve the timing and run synthesis ``tcl
prep -design picorv32a -tag 24-03_10-03 -overwrite
set lefs [glob $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/src/*.lef] add_lefs -src $lefs
echo $::env(SYNTH_STRATEGY)
echo $::env(SYNTH_BUFFERING)
echo $::env(SYNTH_SIZING)
set ::env(SYNTH_SIZING) 1
Check if vsd_inverter is added after the floorplan stage. Check layout after the placement_stage. the above can be seen in merged.lef file in runs/03-5_12_15/tmp/merged.lef.
after running the run_placement, open the placement using magic tool. Then search for our sky130_vsdinv by zooming in. the 'adutment' is to ensure the power and ground is shared between cells.
when we expand the vsdinv cell we can see the connection between metal layers of our vsdinv cell and the abuted cells.
create a file named pre_sta.conf in openlane directory.
We can see our cell's pin capacitance in *typical.lib file
we have to create a file called my_base.scd in src file of design.
the above my_base.scd is written by taking the reference of base.sdc fiel in openlane scripts.
this the file where we are going to do STA.
use command:
sta pre_sta.conf
we can get the report of the nets using:
report_net -connections net_instance_name replace_cell instace lib_cell report_checks -fileds {net cap slew input_pins} -digits 4
by replacing the currect cell we can reduce the slack and get the report again.
After reducing the slack value to 0 or almost 0. we should rewite the old design.v file with the newly modified one. For that we use write command with path to design file with name, which will replace the old design file with new one.
%write_verilog /home/vsduser/Desktop/work/tools/openlane_working_dir/openlane/designs/picorv32a/runs/03-05_12-25/results/synthesis/picorv32a.synthesis.v
then we can exit OpenSTA
After rewriting the netlist in openSTA we shouldnt run the synthesis again bcz it will create new netlist.
- Therefore now next step is to run_floorplan. So that it takes the updated netlist.
- run_placement
After getting to placement stage of updated netlist we need to run CTS.
this may take some time to run. then it will create cts file in synthesis file inside results.
To know what are the arguments the our cts will check we need to go for cts.tcl in command file of openlane. here the main thing we need to look is for openroad.
these are the tcl files we can see in the openroad.
Here we cannot see the synthesis part bcz openlane normally dosnt involve the synthesis in the process if we look into the openlane flow.
The next stages are power distribution and Routing. Both will use the .def file.
Since openlace is integrated with openlane. we can access openroad in the openlane. Now we can do Timing analysis here itself.
`` openroad
read_lef /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/30-04_05-57/tmp/merged.lef
read_def /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/30-04_05-57/results/cts/picorv32a.cts.def
write_db pico_cts.db
read_db pico_cts.db
read_verilog /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/runs/30-04_05-57/results/synthesis/picorv32a.synthesis_cts.v
read_liberty $::env(LIB_SYNTH_COMPLETE)
link_design picorv32a
read_sdc /openLANE_flow/designs/picorv32a/src/my_base.sdc
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
help report_checks
report_checks -path_delay min_max -fields {slew trans net cap input_pins} -format full_clock_expanded -digits 4