📰 docker-compose-wordpress

Ready-to-use Docker + WordPress 5 repository


This repository aims at providing a way to start developing websites, themes or plugins on Wordpress 5 using the latest stable needed dependencies.

It's also a fast way to launch a demo WordPress website and test anything you want on it.


How to use

wget https://github.com/algolia/docker-compose-wordpress/archive/master.zip -O tmp-master-docker-compose.zip
unzip tmp-master-docker-compose.zip
rm tmp-master-docker-compose.zip
mv docker-compose-wordpress-master super-blog
cd super-blog
wget https://wordpress.org/latest.zip
unzip latest.zip
rm latest.zip
docker-compose up


  • open http://localhost:44000/
  • Choose the installation language for WordPress
  • At the database configuration step, just change localhost to db:

Database step

Then follow the WordPress installation instructions.

If something goes wrong

rm -rf db
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
docker-compose up


From reading the docker-compose.yml file:

  • MariaDB:10.3.12, data is stored in ./db/
  • NGINX:1.15.8
  • Adminer:4.7.1. For observing the database
  • PHP FPM:7.3.1
  • ./wordpress/ will hold your wordpress installation once you follow How to use


You can connect to the database by using:

Or any other GUI client, like TablePlus.