
Another JavaScript buildtool, but for a different-ish purpose.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build tool for JavaScript

My own attempt at creating a build tool for linking with source files (after recursively building them, if needed).

In it's present state, it only creates symlinks to files pointed at in a 'build.json' file.

Format of a build.json file:

  "targetname": {
    "srcs": [...],
    "deps": [...],
    "to": {
      "dir": "...",
      "copy": true|false
  "othertarget": {...}

Example of a build.json file

  "test": {
    "srcs": ["test.js"],
    "deps": ["//javascript/namespace:namespace.js",
    "to": {
      "dir": "./lib",
      "copy": false

Run using $ build test


This is just the very first try. It can be massively improved for things like compiling sources, recursively building dependencies, integrating with other build tools like jake (which I hope will be possible).

Why do this?

Over the past four years, I have installed so many different libraries that after reorganizing all this source code along with libs I made myself, I needed a way to be able to load in any of these libraries whenever I want.