Flux Capacitor is a Java-based, cloud-native, reference architecture using many Netflix Open Source projects including the following:
- [archaius] (https://github.com/Netflix/archaius) configuration
- [astyanax] (https://github.com/Netflix/astyanax) cassandra client
- [blitz4j] (https://github.com/Netflix/blitz4j) asynchronous logging
- [curator] (https://github.com/Netflix/curator) zookeeper client
- [eureka] (https://github.com/Netflix/eureka) discovery service
- [exhibitor] (https://github.com/Netflix/exhibitor) zookeeper administration
- [governator] (https://github.com/Netflix/governator) guice-based dependency injection extensions
- [hystrix] (https://github.com/Netflix/hystrix) circuit breaker
- [karyon] (https://github.com/Netflix/karyon) common base server
- [ribbon] (https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon) eureka-based REST client
- [servo] (https://github.com/Netflix/servo) metrics
In addition to the Netflix OSS components listed above, Flux Capacitor uses the following Open Source components:
- [graphite] (http://graphite.wikidot.com) metrics
- [guava] (https://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/)
- [guice] (https://code.google.com/p/google-guice/)
- [jersey] (http://jersey.java.net) REST
- [jetty] (http://jetty.codehaus.org/jetty) servlet container
- [jmeter] (http://jmeter.apache.org) jmeter load test
- [netty] (http://netty.io) io server
- [tomcat] (http://tomcat.apache.org/) servlet container
Flux can be deployed in any physical or virtual environment including traditional data centers, AWS, OpenStack, RackSpace, IBM Softlayer, etc.
Flux In a Box
Thanks to Joe Hohertz for creating the automated, Ansible-based version of Flux In a Box!!
Global Entities using Flux
- Apple
- Cablevision
- Charter Communications
- Cisco
- CVS/Caremark
- Eucalyptus
- Eventbrite
- The Gap
- Netflix
- Prezi.com
- Riot Games
- Samsung
- Various Stealth Startups
- ZScalar
Architecture Overview
Real-time Metrics
Hystrix Dashboard
Historical Metrics
Graphite Dashboard
CloudWatch Dashboard
Project Overview
The following project layout is typical of many distributed applications:
- Customer-facing REST-based edge service
- Uses Jetty as the servlet container and messaging engine
- Internal REST-based middletier service called by the edge service
- Uses Netty as the messaging engine
- Shared classes between edge and middletier
Please see [wiki] (https://github.com/cfregly/fluxcapacitor/wiki) for detailed documentation.